lnp2pBot / bot

Peer-to-peer lightning network telegram bot
MIT License
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Herramienta / Comando para impedir intercambios entre usuario A y B #438

Open python245 opened 11 months ago

python245 commented 11 months ago

Como en toda plataforma p2p siempre hay malos entendidos, falta de seriedad, etc, por parte de algunos usuarios por lo cual siempre es necesaria alguna herramienta o forma de bloquear o impedir que un usuario con el que ya se ha tenido una mala experiencia pueda tomar una orden, actualmente la unica forma de hacerlo es cancelar el intercambio por ambas partes, por lo cual el usuario mal intencionado puede ignorar y dejar tus fondos congelados hasta que el bot expire el intercambio. Debido a la falta de opcion de bloqueo el usuario mal intencionado puede realizar el congelamiento una y otra vez indefinidamente.

Solucion: comando /block @username el cual debera bloquear intercambios entre usuario A y B, el bot debera conservar el id de telegram para prevenir cambios del @username.

comando /unblock @username En caso de error o solucion al mal entendido y poder seguir haciendo intercambios con el usuario.

comando /blocklist Mostrara el listado de @username's en la lista de bloqueo.

El bot debera ignorar el comando /block @username en caso de tener algun intercambio activo entre ambos usuarios para evitar mal uso del comando.

grunch commented 11 months ago

Ya tenemos los comandos /ban y /unban para fines administrativos así que llamarlo igual se prestaría para confusiones, creo que podemos llamarlo más bien /ignore, /unignore y /ignorelist.

Proposal in English

As in any p2p platform there are always misunderstandings, lack of seriousness, etc., by some users so it is always necessary some tool or way to block or prevent a user with whom you have already had a bad experience, to take an order.

Currently the only way to do this is to cancel the trade by both parties, so the ill-intentioned user can ignore and leave your funds frozen until the bot expires the trade. Due to the lack of blocking option the malicious user can perform the freeze over and over again indefinitely.

Possible Solution: First command /block @username

Which should avoid exchanges between user A and B, the bot should keep the telegram id to prevent @username changes.

Second command `/unblock @username

In case of error or solution to the misunderstanding and be able to continue doing exchanges with the user.

Third command /blocklist Will show the list of @usernames in the list for this user.

The bot should ignore the /block @username command in case of an active exchange between both users to avoid misuse of the command.

knocte commented 8 months ago

creo que podemos llamarlo más bien /ignore, /unignore y /ignorelist.

or /block//unblock//blocklist?

grunch commented 7 months ago

creo que podemos llamarlo más bien /ignore, /unignore y /ignorelist.

or /block//unblock//blocklist?


jgosmus commented 3 weeks ago

Hi!, I would want to get this one, could you assign it to me?

Catrya commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @jgosmus already assigned it to you

grunch commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @jgosmus are you still working on this issue? let me know if you have any blocker, we can help you

jgosmus commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @grunch! Yeah! Im still working on it, but this week i didn't have a lot of free time. This weekend I will get free time to progress on the issue.

I will let you know if I get blocked, thanks for the help :)

jgosmus commented 4 days ago

Hi, I'm working on the issue and there are some points that I would like to confirm.

I'm going to guess this is correct and it's not possible to hide offers so when you pick an offer from an user that is blocked the bot won't give you the option to accept the offer and it will tell you why. Guessing this I have two doubts:

Catrya commented 4 days ago

it is not possible to hide offers from the general listing per user. (I want to confirm this point and more specifically that it is not possible to hide offers in the listing

that's correct, orders can't be hidden

Should the message be different if you are the blocked user or if you are the user who blocked the other user?

IMO the message should be different if you are the blocked user or if you are the user who blocked the other user. Maybe messages like this: If you are the one who blocked: You can't take this order because you blocked its maker If you are the one blocked: You can't take this order because its maker blocked you

the message should tell you the user so you may unblock him?

I don't think it should be revealed who the maker is, to take care of their privacy, because maybe if someone knows who the creator of an order is, they can tell other users and that's not good

But let's see if there are more opinions on this.

grunch commented 3 days ago

it is not possible to hide offers from the general listing per user. (I want to confirm this point and more specifically that it is not possible to hide offers in the listing

that's correct, orders can't be hidden

Should the message be different if you are the blocked user or if you are the user who blocked the other user?

IMO the message should be different if you are the blocked user or if you are the user who blocked the other user. Maybe messages like this: If you are the one who blocked: You can't take this order because you blocked its maker If you are the one blocked: You can't take this order because its maker blocked you

the message should tell you the user so you may unblock him?

I don't think it should be revealed who the maker is, to take care of their privacy, because maybe if someone knows who the creator of an order is, they can tell other users and that's not good

But let's see if there are more opinions on this.

Agreed on this