lnurl / luds

lnurl specifications
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LUD-01: Recommendation to add CORS headers for all server responses #259

Open adambor opened 1 month ago

adambor commented 1 month ago

Some LNURL services are currently inaccessible from web apps (PWA wallets like Mutiny, swap services like boltz.exchange or atomiq.exchange) due to missing CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) header. I would suggest adding a recommendation to add a CORS header for all server response in the base LUD-01 spec, so that LNURLs can be accessed from web apps. It's important for the new and existing LNURL service implementations to understand the need for providing such a header to make their service work with customers using web app wallets or other apps that might have a need to access LNURL services from within the browser environment.

kilrau commented 1 month ago


Whenever we had an issue with lnurl resolution in our web app, it was always CORS. Literally always.