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Default diagrams tool for RFCs #35

Open thiagocaiubi opened 3 years ago

thiagocaiubi commented 3 years ago

You can use any tool for that: draw.io, Mermaid, Miro, or a simple picture of a physical white board taken by your phone.


Since https://github.com/loadsmart/rfcs/pull/197 got approved, I think we should evaluate the impact of requiring kroki as the only allowed tool for diagrams in RFCs. Kroki already supports multiple diagrams.

The motivation behind this is mostly based on the source code for diagrams living together with the rest of the documentation. That would leverage the maintainability and would avoid missing permissions with different services out there.

barbosa commented 3 years ago

That's a good point, @thiagocaiubi.

draw.io and Miro could bring those permission issues indeed.

An image could live together with the file in the repo but using diagram-as-code could be ideal.