loathers / TourGuide

Relay script for KoLmafia, for the web game Kingdom of Loathing. Gives advice on how to play.
The Unlicense
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incorporating TES changes #101

Closed docrostov closed 1 year ago

docrostov commented 1 year ago

TES has sent me a ton of changes he integrated in his personal tourguide that he never posted (or got missed) in the discord channel. this is going to be my generic issue i will keep the list in as i work on em

here are the changes i have successfully incorporated in the new PR:

-include survival knife in desert exploration -kitchen drawers should be int, not float (18666) -add "drawers remaining to kitchen drawers (18692) -CI omega button -science tentacle should redirect to place.php?whichplace=forestvillage&action=fv_scientist instead of just place.php?whichplace=forestvillage -small stinky cheese update for invsearch -teleportitis/feeling lost warning + sgeea -new banish sources and their durations -monorail specific location -the megafam drop tile https://github.com/uthuluc/TourGuide/blob/master/iotm2014buddybjorn -protopack nag -kgb red text while not equipped -sausage grinder minor poke -docbag invsearch -# of lectures used for prof -powerful glove battery charge should be named -add exp% to commerce statgain estimate -cmc missing "x advs until next consultation" -cookbat cooking reminders

here are ones that are missing still:

-drunk pygmy fights can get a resource reminder -cubeling wants an x/12 progress tracker -weird kramco issue where it's taking you to invsearch instead of grind.php -LT&T supernag

here are the ones i am not adding (will explain in PR):

-boombox is in resources instead of tasks, blocking its supernag at 1 fight remaining -mcb is resource instead of task, blocking its supernag as well -missing olfaction+turtlesex tile -cookbookbat recipe reminder; they are now like 500 meat in the mall, so not worth adding

uthuluc commented 1 year ago

cookbookbat recipe + cooking reminder:

        description.listAppend(HTMLGenerateSpanFont("Recipe of Before Yore available!", "blue"));
        resource_entries.listAppend(ChecklistEntryMake("__familiar cookbookbat", url, ChecklistSubentryMake("Pizza party with the Cookbookbat!", "", description)).ChecklistEntrySetIDTag("Cookbookbat Resource"));
    int cookings_remaining = clampi(5 - get_property_int("_cookbookbatCrafting"), 0, 5);
    if (cookings_remaining > 0) 
        description.listAppend(HTMLGenerateSpanOfClass(cookings_remaining, "r_bold") + " free cookings: Unstable fulminate, potions, and more.");

insert this after the homebodyl free_crafts_left part of the crafting tile:

        if (lookupFamiliar("Cookbookbat").familiar_is_usable()) {
            string [int] description;
            free_cooks_left += clampi(5 - get_property_int("_cookbookbatCrafting"), 0, 5);
            string title = "free cooking";
            if (free_cooks_left > 0) {
            craft_entry.subentries.listAppend(ChecklistSubentryMake(pluralise(free_cooks_left, title, title + "s") + " remaining", free_crafts_left > 0 ? "COOKING only" : "", description));
docrostov commented 1 year ago

issue closed, largely resolved in #113 and what isn't resolved is in #115