loathers / TourGuide

Relay script for KoLmafia, for the web game Kingdom of Loathing. Gives advice on how to play.
The Unlicense
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Issues with 2002 Mr. Store #175

Closed HiddenKnife526 closed 11 months ago

HiddenKnife526 commented 11 months ago

When first logging into the game for the day, TourGuide shows 0 credits for the Catalog remaining, until one is spent, then it shows 3 remaining.

Additionally, clicking on the 2002 Mr. Store option in TourGuide loads up the Miscellaneous inventory with the message "You don't have the item you're trying to use." even though I have it and can use the item through other means.

docrostov commented 11 months ago

good catch on the second -- i never noticed this because i've only used the tile in Legacy of Loathing. it was linking to the replica store, not the normal store 😆 fixed with a conditional ID, will test out tomorrow and hopefully merge up

on the first, i unfortunately don't have a solution for it -- i have seen it before too, but tourguide is referencing base mafia preferences, so this reflects mafia prefs not updating until you visit/spend. kind of a pain. i probably should dig into the java on how that pref is instantiated and see if i can tell ryo or rinn about it lol

docrostov commented 11 months ago

addressed in #176 which is now in main. thanks for the report!