loathers / TourGuide

Relay script for KoLmafia, for the web game Kingdom of Loathing. Gives advice on how to play.
The Unlicense
14 stars 17 forks source link

bofa tile starter from TES + insanely small bugfix #188

Open docrostov opened 10 months ago

docrostov commented 10 months ago


docrostov commented 10 months ago

would help if i shared the bug huh


vamp masq is slightly janked up and also


the new _resolutionAdv pref is now double-counting somehow because reso adventures are being captured in some of ryo's useful pref fixes

docrostov commented 10 months ago

new small bugfix via tes -- bottom delay counts the NC, top delay doesn't. just should be subtracting # of NCs remaining. this is actually annoying logic but it is solvable.
