loathers / autoscend

An ascension script for KoLMafia
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Autoscend trying to use Spring Away in a combat where Spring Shoes are not actually equipped #1429

Closed ziz closed 4 months ago

ziz commented 4 months ago


(autoscend revision 8294eae7577b7e514a52cdef09baa842609c7b5b)

Expected/Desired Behavior

Spring Shoes are used without getting into a confused/stuck state.

Current Behavior

While fighting a junkyard gremlin without spring shoes equipped, autoscend looked for a banisher, decided it should equip spring shoes, decided it could now freerun with spring shoes despite not having them equipped, and proceeded to fail to cast Spring Away until it gave up.

Failure Information (for bugs)

I did the combat manually, reverted to f3dffae1d82daae0ad0500887d906ab2b2a85348 (the release prior to the spring shoes release), and continued; no further issues encountered today.

Failure Logs

Console output snippet + stack trace

``` nextAdventure => Out by that Rusted-Out Car Preference nextAdventure changed from Next to that Barrel with Something Burning in it to Out by that Rusted-Out Car [INFO] Starting preadventure script... [DEBUG] Adventuring at Out by that Rusted-Out Car [DEBUG] lookupFamiliarDatafile is checking for type [gremlins] Preference auto_familiarChoice changed from to Nosy Nose Preference _auto_thisLoopHandleFamiliar changed from false to true [INFO] Adjusting to have banisher available for A.M.C. gremlin: skill Spring Kick [INFO] Equipping spring shoes to slot acc1 Preference _auto_maximize_equip_acc1 changed from to spring shoes [INFO] We want to get the "erudite gremlin" monster into the combat lover's locket from Out by that Rusted-Out Car, so we're bringing it along. [INFO] Equipping combat lover's locket to slot acc1 Preference _auto_maximize_equip_acc1 changed from spring shoes to combat lover's locket Preference auto_mcd_target changed from 10 to 0 [DEBUG] Adding "-10ml" to current maximizer statement [DEBUG] Removing "-equip combat lover's locket" from current maximizer statement [DEBUG] Adding "+equip combat lover's locket" to current maximizer statement [DEBUG] Adding "+200bonus mafia thumb ring" to current maximizer statement [DEBUG] Adding "+200bonus June cleaver" to current maximizer statement Maximizer: 5item,meat,0.5initiative,0.1da 1000max,dr,0.5all res,1.5mainstat,-fumble,mox,0.4hp,0.2mp 1000max,3mp regen,0.25spell damage,1.75spell damage percent,2familiar weight,5familiar exp,10exp,5Mysticality experience percent,-equip little bitty bathysphere,20dr,1da 1000max,3hp,-3ml,-10ml,+equip combat lover's locket,+200bonus mafia thumb ring,+200bonus June cleaver Maximizing... 16 combinations checked, best score 6,312.91 Checkpoints cleared. [DEBUG] Going into High or Standard ML Zone with ML: 22 Preference _auto_tunedElement changed from to cold [INFO] Burning 29 MP... Casting Singer's Faithful Ocelot 1 times... You acquire an effect: Singer's Faithful Ocelot (10) Singer's Faithful Ocelot was successfully cast. Casting Astral Shell 1 times... You acquire an effect: Astral Shell (5) Astral Shell was successfully cast. Preference auto_priorLocation changed from Next to that Barrel with Something Burning in it to Out by that Rusted-Out Car [INFO] Pre Adventure at Out by that Rusted-Out Car done, beep. Preference _auto_inf_session_adv changed from 36 to 37 [INFO] [Sauceror] @ path of [Standard] [INFO] HP: 701/701, MP: 440/479, Meat: 31346, Soulsauce: 28 [INFO] mus: 98+185. mys: 130+67. mox: 71+77 [INFO] Familiar: Nosy Nose @ 2 + 16lbs. [INFO] ML: 22 Encounter: -10.0 Init: 105.0 [INFO] Exp Bonus: 32.9825 Meat Drop: 185.0 Item Drop: 90.0 [INFO] Resists: 6.0/11.0/7.0/4.0/6.0 [INFO] equipment: hat=[beer helmet]. weapon=[June cleaver]. off-hand=[unbreakable umbrella]. back=[none]. shirt=[Jurassic Parka]. pants=[distressed denim pants]. acc1=[mafia thumb ring]. acc2=[Cincho de Mayo]. acc3=[combat lover's locket]. familiar=[none]. Visit to Junkyard: Out by that Rusted-Out Car in progress... Preference lastAdventure changed from Next to that Barrel with Something Burning in it to Out by that Rusted-Out Car [150] Out by that Rusted-Out Car Preference lastEncounter changed from batwinged gremlin to A.M.C. gremlin Encounter: A.M.C. gremlin Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20240303015106 to 20240303015113 Round 0: sepos wins initiative! Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Meat Mine Sluice. The sluice opens and pours out some meat! Preference trainsetPosition changed from 140 to 141 You gain 947 Meat. [INFO] auto_JunkyardCombatHandler: 0 Preference auto_gremlinMoly changed from true to false Preference _auto_combatState changed from to (sk4034) Round 1: sepos casts CURSE OF WEAKSAUCE! Round 2: A.M.C. gremlin drops 7 attack power. Round 2: A.M.C. gremlin drops 7 defense. [INFO] auto_JunkyardCombatHandler: 1 Preference _auto_combatState changed from (sk4034) to (sk4034)(it2405) Preference _auto_combatState changed from (sk4034)(it2405) to (sk4034)(it2405)(it7969) Round 2: sepos uses the rock band flyers and uses the beehive! Round 3: A.M.C. gremlin takes 10 damage. Round 3: A.M.C. gremlin takes 8 damage. Round 3: A.M.C. gremlin takes 9 damage. Round 3: A.M.C. gremlin drops 7 attack power. Round 3: A.M.C. gremlin drops 6 defense. Preference flyeredML changed from 191 to 383 [INFO] auto_JunkyardCombatHandler: 2 [INFO] Finding a banisher to use on A.M.C. gremlin at Out by that Rusted-Out Car Preference auto_combatHP changed from 412 to 701 Preference auto_diag_round changed from 0 to 2 [INFO] Finding a banisher to use on A.M.C. gremlin at Out by that Rusted-Out Car Preference _auto_combatState changed from (sk4034)(it2405)(it7969) to (sk4034)(it2405)(it7969)(banishercheck) [INFO] Equipping spring shoes to slot acc1 Preference _auto_maximize_equip_acc1 changed from combat lover's locket to spring shoes Preference auto_freeruns changed from to (1:A.M.C. gremlin:Spring Away:149) Round 3: sepos casts SPRING AWAY! KoLmafia thinks it is round 4 but KoL thinks it is round 3 [INFO] auto_JunkyardCombatHandler: 3 [INFO] Finding a banisher to use on A.M.C. gremlin at Out by that Rusted-Out Car Preference auto_diag_round changed from 2 to 3 [INFO] Equipping spring shoes to slot acc1 Preference auto_freeruns changed from (1:A.M.C. gremlin:Spring Away:149) to (1:A.M.C. gremlin:Spring Away:149), (1:A.M.C. gremlin:Spring Away:149) Round 3: sepos casts SPRING AWAY! KoLmafia thinks it is round 4 but KoL thinks it is round 3 [INFO] auto_JunkyardCombatHandler: 4 [INFO] Finding a banisher to use on A.M.C. gremlin at Out by that Rusted-Out Car Preference auto_diag_round changed from 3 to 4 [INFO] Equipping spring shoes to slot acc1 Preference auto_freeruns changed from (1:A.M.C. gremlin:Spring Away:149), (1:A.M.C. gremlin:Spring Away:149) to (1:A.M.C. gremlin:Spring Away:149), (1:A.M.C. gremlin:Spring Away:149), (1:A.M.C. gremlin:Spring Away:149) Round 3: sepos casts SPRING AWAY! KoLmafia thinks it is round 4 but KoL thinks it is round 3 ``` Attempted casts of Spring Away continue until autoscend gives up: ``` Round 3: sepos casts SPRING AWAY! KoLmafia thinks it is round 4 but KoL thinks it is round 3 [INFO] auto_JunkyardCombatHandler: 26 [INFO] Finding a banisher to use on A.M.C. gremlin at Out by that Rusted-Out Car Some sort of problem occurred, it is past round 25 but we are still in non-gremlin combat... Stack trace:   at auto_combatHandler (auto_combat.ash:81)   at findBanisher (auto_combat_util.ash:486)   at main (auto_combat_quest.ash:201)   at adv1 (auto_util.ash:329)   at autoAdv (auto_adventure.ash:30)   at L12_gremlins (level_12.ash:1252)   at L12_islandWar (level_12.ash:2400)   at process_tasks (autoscend.ash:1659)   at doTasks (autoscend.ash:1888) You're on your own, partner. Click here to continue in the relay browser. ```

Full (what Mafia keeps, anyway) console output: sepos_20240302_console.txt

Full session log: sepos_20240302_autoscend_bug.txt