loathers / autoscend

An ascension script for KoLMafia
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Path Pocket Familiars (pokefam) issues combo tracker #185

Closed taltamir closed 3 years ago

taltamir commented 4 years ago

This is a combined tracker for various Pocket Familiars Issues

taltamir commented 4 years ago

Open Issues

subissue 1

scroll down. it has its own post below due to size.

subissue 3

scroll down. it has its own post below due to size.

subissue 2

probably fixed via #432 need testing to verify it works in pokefam often try to set a familiar at many locations throughout the run. Failing.

Confirmed this is not related to the issue of not wearing gear. I am pretty sure this is mostly fixed now due to changes to related functions in PR #317 and prior (linked in it). However I believe some instances still remain to be fixed. need to do a pass through it. as well as integrate the remaining unimplemented components of my old defunct pokefam branch here https://github.com/taltamir/autoscend/tree/100fam1

confirmed remaining subsubissues: LX_phatLootToken in auto_mr2018.ash line 316 use_familiar($familiar[none]); should actually have some path testing qualfier as it causes an error in pocket familiar.

subissue 5

scroll down. it has its own post below due to size.

subissue 6

Mafia calls on external script via CLI called helix fossil (by ezandora) to perform pokefam fighting. This script repeatedly cause mafia to print warning about ambiguous filenames. Seeing as ezandora left kol, and my suspecion that some of the issues we are seeing with pokefam stem from it. I would like to integrate the latest version of that script into autoscend and fix it up

Multiple matches for "fire flower"; using "[10462]fire flower". (Pocket Familiars.ash, line 1912) Clarify by using one of:
"[2426]fire flower"
"[10462]fire flower"
Multiple matches for "fire flower"; using "[10462]fire flower". (Pocket Familiars.ash, line 2111) Clarify by using one of:
"[2426]fire flower"
"[10462]fire flower"

subissue 8

I think this might be universal actually. test it. the maximizer string it uses is wrong for the [bandit crossroads] (getting a token from fantasy realm IOTM zone)

5item,meat,10exp,5Mysticality experience percent,-equip makeshift garbage shirt,-equip broken champagne bottle,2000hot resistance 9max,2000stench resistance 9max,+equip Powerful Glove

There is no need for hot or stench res for that location. There is a need for fantasy realm G.E.M. There is no need for item or meat, or xp There is a need for mox buffing because bandits are apparently an intentional exception (as per reply i recieved when bug reporting it) and you need to fight them with a weapon instead of a pokefam battle or normal battle. (all skills are disabled so you can only use items or attack with weapon)

subissue 9

Failed to collect boring paper clip from hidden office during pokefam. it was stuck on the NC adventure i manually took it. Note that this bug report predates the NC revamping of mafia which recently happened.

[510] The Hidden Office Building
Encounter: Working Holiday
[INFO] - [Insert Punch Out music here]
Encounter: Working Holiday
[WARNING] - Digimon hit a choice adventure (The Hidden Office Building), trying....
Encounter: Working Holiday
[WARNING] - Digimon hit a choice adventure (The Hidden Office Building), trying....
Encounter: Working Holiday
[WARNING] - Digimon hit a choice adventure (The Hidden Office Building), trying....
Encounter: Working Holiday
[WARNING] - Digimon hit a choice adventure (The Hidden Office Building), trying....
Encounter: Working Holiday
[WARNING] - Digimon hit a choice adventure (The Hidden Office Building), trying....
Encounter: Working Holiday
[WARNING] - Digimon hit a choice adventure (The Hidden Office Building), trying....
Encounter: Working Holiday
Choice chain too long or I'm stuck!
Stack trace:
  at digimon_autoAdv (auto_digimon.ash:156)
  at autoAdv (auto_adventure.ash:30)
  at auto_sausageGoblin (auto_mr2019.ash:222)
  at LX_burnDelay (autoscend.ash:478)
  at doTasks (autoscend.ash:5970)
  at auto_begin (autoscend.ash:6250)
  at safe_preference_reset_wrapper (autoscend.ash:6319)
  at safe_preference_reset_wrapper (autoscend.ash:6326)
  at safe_preference_reset_wrapper (autoscend.ash:6326)

subissue 10

mafia (not autoscend, mafia) failed to auto use the clip to make the McClusky file it in pokefam for some reason even though I had enough of the components. I had to manually make it. unless this gets fixed in mafia we should include a workaround on our side.

subissue 11

when trying to turn in moss-covered sphere for a stone triangle it just fails with the following error. Note that the stone is available, and i could manually turn it in with no problem. Note that this predates mafia's revamping of NC choice handling. Need to be retested to see if still an issue.

[728] An Overgrown Shrine (Northwest)
Encounter: Earthbound and Down
[INFO] - [Insert Punch Out music here]
Encounter: Earthbound and Down
[WARNING] - Digimon hit a choice adventure (An Overgrown Shrine (Northwest)), trying....
Encounter: Earthbound and Down
[WARNING] - Digimon hit a choice adventure (An Overgrown Shrine (Northwest)), trying....
Encounter: Earthbound and Down
[WARNING] - Digimon hit a choice adventure (An Overgrown Shrine (Northwest)), trying....
Encounter: Earthbound and Down
[WARNING] - Digimon hit a choice adventure (An Overgrown Shrine (Northwest)), trying....
Encounter: Earthbound and Down
[WARNING] - Digimon hit a choice adventure (An Overgrown Shrine (Northwest)), trying....
Encounter: Earthbound and Down
[WARNING] - Digimon hit a choice adventure (An Overgrown Shrine (Northwest)), trying....
Encounter: Earthbound and Down
Choice chain too long or I'm stuck!

subissue 12

Haunted bedroom. Did not handle the chained post combat noncombat adv. Note that this predates mafia's revamping of NC choice handling. Need to be retested to see if still an issue.

[754] The Haunted Bedroom
Encounter: Wardröb nightstand
[INFO] - Consulting the Helix Fossil....
Encounter: One Simple Nightstand
[WARNING] - Unrecognized unhandled choice after combat 876
[INFO] - Post Adventure done, beep.
errors start here. where it seems to just wants to keep on going without realizing it is doing a chained NC.
taltamir commented 4 years ago

Universal Issues

These issues which were reported for OCRS but were determined to be universal (applying to multiple paths). They should be each spun off to its own dedicated issue.

subissue 4

Issue #272 is a multi tracker for Level 12 quest auto_hippiesInstead issues Pokefam is one of the two paths that defaults to auto_hippiesInstead

taltamir commented 4 years ago

Fixed Issues

subissue 7

obsoleted: pokefam is the only path that is forever in standard restriction, also you can never break ronin in it. Fantasy Realm went out of standard and as such is forever barred from being used in pokefam. making this issue obsolete

fantasy realm bandits do NOT use pokefam battles during pokefam runs. instead you need to beat them normally using simple attacks. kol devs told me this is by design and not a kol bug. need to add special handling for fighting them. such as buffing up first, throwing chaos butterfly against them, not calling on helix fossil script in that location, and using regular attacks against them.

taltamir commented 4 years ago

Subissue 1

Fail to equip outfits / gear related to quests in many locations. confirmed locations are:

*quest 12 - [war hippy fatigues] fails to equip in [The Battlefield] and [organic orchard] (to turn in sidequest) note: this was broken and fixed in general. but the many other instances of failing to equip gear in pokefam suggest there might be a second problem there. test this in pokefam specifically

*[haunted boiler room] fails to equip [unstable fulminate] note: this was made more robust in general fix. but the many instances of not switching gear in pokefam suggest a second issue. test this in pokefam specifically

*[hidden city hospital] fail to equip surgeonosity gear.

*[castle in the sky] various items

*[daily dungeon] fails to equip [ring of detect boring doors]

*[fantasy realm G.E.M.] fails to equip in [Fantasy realm]. possibly a universal issue since I think it might have equipped it and then replaced it with [powerful glover] iotm.

*[cotinuum transfunctioner] fails to equip when trying to farm white pixels

*[talisman of namislat] fails to equip in [palindrome]

important logs

In Hidden hospital it managed to successfully switch equipment to make and eat sausage but then failed to equip gear for hidden hospital itself.

[INFO] - We're gonna slurp up some sausage, let's make sure we have enough max mp
Internal checkpoint created.
2688 combinations checked, best score 1,137.00
Putting on beer helmet...
Equipment changed.
Wielding Fourth of May Cosplay Saber...
Equipment changed.
Holding psychic's crystal ball...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Misty Robe...
Equipment changed.
Putting on bullet-proof corduroys...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Draftsman's driving gloves...
Equipment changed.
Putting on dorky glasses...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Kremlin's Greatest Briefcase...
Equipment changed.
Eating 1 magical sausage...
You gain 1 Adventure
You gain 999 Mana Points
Finished eating 1 magical sausage.
Putting on wad of used tape...
Equipment changed.
Wielding antique machete...
Equipment changed.
Holding Kramco Sausage-o-Matic™...
Equipment changed.
Putting on vampyric cloake...
Equipment changed.
Putting on pantogram pants...
Equipment changed.
Putting on observational glasses...
Equipment changed.
Putting on screwing pooch...
Equipment changed.
Putting on tarnished tastevin...
Equipment changed.
Familiars can't be used in Pokefam.
Stack trace:
  at LX_phatLootToken (autoscend.ash:11220)
  at doTasks (autoscend.ash:14851)
[INFO] - The idden osptial!! [sic]
[INFO] - Equipping bloodied surgical dungarees to slot pants
[INFO] - Equipping half-size scalpel to slot weapon
[INFO] - Equipping head mirror to slot acc3
[INFO] - Hidden Hospital Progress: 1

[735] The Hidden Hospital
Encounter: pygmy witch surgeon
taltamir commented 4 years ago

subissue 3

Encountered an odd infinite loop when trying to do the bottom floor of castle in the sky

[INFO] - Encounter: -20.0 Exp Bonus: 20.531354166666667
[INFO] - Meat Drop: 30.0 Item Drop: 80.0
[INFO] - HP: 80/96, MP: 397/407
[INFO] - Tummy: 15/15 Liver: 0/19 Spleen: 3/15
[INFO] - ML: 11 control: 11
[INFO] - Soulsauce: 0
[INFO] - Delay between adventures... beep boop... 
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
[INFO] - I choose you! Red Roger the Plastic Pirate Skull!!!!
Retrieving quest data...
[INFO] - Castle Ground Floor, boring!
[INFO] - I think we're good to go to apply The Sonata of Sneakiness
80 combinations checked, best score 6,540.54
nextAdventure => The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Ground Floor)
[INFO] - [Insert Punch Out music here]
[INFO] - Turn(301): Starting with 90 left and 8 pulls left at Level: 11
[INFO] - Encounter: -20.0 Exp Bonus: 20.531354166666667
[INFO] - Meat Drop: 30.0 Item Drop: 80.0
[INFO] - HP: 80/96, MP: 397/407
[INFO] - Tummy: 15/15 Liver: 0/19 Spleen: 3/15
[INFO] - ML: 11 control: 11
[INFO] - Soulsauce: 0
[INFO] - Delay between adventures... beep boop... 
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
[INFO] - I choose you! Red Roger the Plastic Pirate Skull!!!!
Retrieving quest data...
[INFO] - Castle Ground Floor, boring!
[INFO] - I think we're good to go to apply The Sonata of Sneakiness
80 combinations checked, best score 6,540.54
[INFO] - [Insert Punch Out music here]
[INFO] - Turn(301): Starting with 90 left and 8 pulls left at Level: 11
[INFO] - Encounter: -20.0 Exp Bonus: 20.531354166666667
[INFO] - Meat Drop: 30.0 Item Drop: 80.0
[INFO] - HP: 80/96, MP: 397/407
[INFO] - Tummy: 15/15 Liver: 0/19 Spleen: 3/15
[INFO] - ML: 11 control: 11
[INFO] - Soulsauce: 0
[INFO] - Delay between adventures... beep boop... 
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
[INFO] - I choose you! Red Roger the Plastic Pirate Skull!!!!
Retrieving quest data...
[INFO] - Castle Ground Floor, boring!
[INFO] - I think we're good to go to apply The Sonata of Sneakiness

oh, I think I know what the issue is, the ground floor was locked and it was trying to go there instead of trying to unlock it

taltamir commented 4 years ago

subissue 5

autoscend thinks that it cannot reach dgrassi knoll garage to farm meatcar parts during pokefam. but it actually can. path = Pocket Familiars sign = The Opossum

[INFO] - I choose you! Heisenbergotron the Pocket     Professor!!!!
Encounter: Choose a Soundtrack
Setting     soundtrack to Food Vibrations
[INFO] - Change     successful to Food VibrationsWe have 6 SongBoom BoomBoxen songens left!
[WARNING]     - Had overdue sausage but couldn't find a zone to burn delay
[INFO]     - Farming for a Bitchin' Meatcar
Accepting quest to find the     Untinker's screwdriver
[WARNING] - Cant get to The     Degrassi Knoll Garage right now.
Need to farm     a Bitchin' Meatcar but guild not available.
Stack trace:
  at     LX_bitchinMeatcar (autoscend.ash:4546)
  at doTasks (autoscend.ash:5993)
  at     auto_begin (autoscend.ash:6250)
  at safe_preference_reset_wrapper     (autoscend.ash:6319)
  at safe_preference_reset_wrapper     (autoscend.ash:6326)
  at safe_preference_reset_wrapper     (autoscend.ash:6326)
  at safe_preference_reset_wrapper     (autoscend.ash:6326)
  at main (autoscend.ash:6354)

Did one turn there manually (and also started the untinkerer quest) and then run autoscend again and got the error below. It looks like it successfully adventured there but THINKS it failed to adventure there. that is digimon_autoAdv is returning false for some reason? I am not sure why it would be returning false though. Maybe it is related to the fact that pokefam combat is handled externally via ezandora script called Helix Fossil instead of internally?

[INFO] - I choose you! Heisenbergotron the Pocket     Professor!!!!
[WARNING] - Had overdue sausage     but couldn't find a zone to burn delay
[INFO]     - Farming for a Bitchin' Meatcar
[WARNING]     - Uh oh, autoscend and canadv dont agree on whether we can adventure at     The Degrassi Knoll Garage (autoscend: false, canadv: true). Will assume     locaiton available if either is true.

[17] The Degrassi     Knoll Garage
Encounter: Screwdriver, wider than a mile.
You acquire     an item: rusty screwdriver
[INFO] - [Insert Punch     Out music here]
Need to farm a Bitchin'     Meatcar but guild not available.
Stack trace:
  at     LX_bitchinMeatcar (autoscend.ash:4546)
  at doTasks (autoscend.ash:5993)
  at     auto_begin (autoscend.ash:6250)
  at safe_preference_reset_wrapper     (autoscend.ash:6319)
  at safe_preference_reset_wrapper     (autoscend.ash:6326)
  at safe_preference_reset_wrapper     (autoscend.ash:6326)
  at safe_preference_reset_wrapper     (autoscend.ash:6326)
  at main (autoscend.ash:6354)