loathers / autoscend

An ascension script for KoLMafia
45 stars 67 forks source link

Infinite loop in defiled alcove #216

Closed taltamir closed 4 years ago

taltamir commented 4 years ago


Failure Information (for bugs)

Encountered an infinite loop in defiled alcove, autoscend simply would not recognize that it was cleared. Mafia thought it was not cleared too as per guide telling me to do it. After interrupting autoscend i manually went there and then mafia identified that it was cleared, resolving the issue for defiled alcove.

[INFO] - Turn(720): Starting with 351 left and -1 pulls left at Level: 16
[INFO] - Encounter: -5.0 Exp Bonus: 109.91256666666666
[INFO] - Meat Drop: 134.0 Item Drop: 98.0
[INFO] - HP: 372/377, MP: 926/985
[INFO] - Tummy: 17/16 Liver: 20/20 Spleen: 15/15
[INFO] - ML: 32 control: 0
[INFO] - Soulsauce: 26
[INFO] - Delay between adventures... beep boop... 
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
[INFO] - Looking at the billiards room: 14 <= 6 <= 18
[INFO] - The Alcove! (731.0)

[INFO] - Starting preadventure script...
23408 combinations checked, best score 77,066.81
[INFO] - Maximizing: 5item,meat,0.5initiative,0.1da 1000max,dr,0.5all res,1.5mainstat,mox,-fumble,0.4hp,0.2mp 1000max,3mp regen,0.25spell damage,1.75spell damage percent,2familiar weight,5familiar exp,-equip hewn moon-rune spoon,-equip makeshift garbage shirt,-equip broken champagne bottle,100initiative 850max,-200combat 25max
23408 combinations checked, best score 77,066.81
Checkpoints cleared.
[INFO] - Pre Adventure at The Defiled Alcove done, beep.

Visit to Cyrpt: The Defiled Alcove in progress...
Cyrpt area cleared.

Suggested fix. If "crypt area cleared" occurs, then have autoscend change mafia quest tracking state to indicate it has been cleared.

Malibu-Stacey commented 4 years ago

Had a similar thing happen in the Bat Hole a while back. The issue was that either lag or bad parsing in mafia wasn't updating the quest status. Simple fix is to visit the container area first so mafia is forced to parse the current quest status before we decide what to do. I'll add a quick fix for this.

Malibu-Stacey commented 4 years ago

fixed on beta in #219