loathers / autoscend

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Mime army shotglass support #312

Open taltamir opened 4 years ago

taltamir commented 4 years ago

Mime Army Shot Glass is an old xmas item that lets you drink 1 size 1 drink per day without increasing your liver. making it an exceptionally good pull for softcore on older paths that are out of standard.

This is a ticket for adding support for this item.

Alium58 commented 2 weeks ago

Currently pulled for DG, but no other path. If expanded, be sure to update description in the sim function auto_sim.ash

    it = $item[Mime Army Shotglass];
    formattedSimPrint(item_amount(it) > 0, `Potential Pull: {it.to_string()}`, "Only pulled for Dark Gyffte as every organ space is really good");