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Add more banisher skills #3

Open Alium58 opened 1 year ago

Alium58 commented 1 year ago

Currently the following banish skills are used. Add more.

docrostov commented 1 year ago

this is potentially not super helpful, but perhaps it is -- i have a pretty large list of banishers and banisher-likes within ScotchLog. the formatting isn't super helpful to you because it is formatted as they appear in the session log (as ScotchLog is a log parser) but it at least could be a starting point when expanding out the list. i believe it is actually very up to date at this point, only real thing it's missing is the dino banish and that's not even a very good one to call out since it is a dino banish rather than a monster banish... https://github.com/docrostov/ScotchLog/blob/master/KoLmafia/scripts/ScotchLog.ash#L103

Alium58 commented 1 year ago

Awesome, great list! Agree it would be a good starting point