loathers / garbage-collector

Script for farming meat (and garbage) in 2003 web RPG Kingdom of Loathing
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[BUG] handling of NC in hidden temple #1812

Open docrostov opened 5 months ago

docrostov commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug probably shouldn't wander here


To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. have a guzzlr quest and wander here i guess

Expected behavior add hidden temple to nowander

Session Log Captain_Scotch_20240204.txt

horrible-little-slime commented 5 months ago

This doesn't seem to invoke wanderer code. Guzzlr quest properties aren't underscored so I can't tell what they're currently set to--can you confirm whether you had a guzzlr quest for the hidden temple? I suspect you didn't.

Your last maximizer call is > Maximize: 99 muscle 100 max,Familiar Weight, which should only be called for XO-pocketing in the Stately Pleasure Dome. We appear to then not go into the stately pleasure dome, in part because we're running into the banish-olfaction change from earlier this year:

[23493] The Stately Pleasure Dome
Took choice 1435/1: unknown
Preference lastEncounter changed from baa-relief sheep to toothless mastiff bitch
Encounter: toothless mastiff bitch
Preference mappingMonsters changed from true to false
Round 0: Captain Scotch wins initiative!
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 43 to 42
Round 0: Captain Scotch casts HUGS AND KISSES!!
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Grain Silo. You spot some fermented grains (or grapes, or whatever) sitting on the loading dock and grab them.
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 27085 to 27086
You acquire an item: bottle of whiskey (2)
You acquire an item: disintegrating spiky collar
Round 1: toothless mastiff bitch drops 10 attack power.
Round 1: toothless mastiff bitch drops 10 defense.
Preference _xoHugsUsed changed from 3 to 4
Round 1: Captain Scotch casts TRANSCENDENT OLFACTION!
You acquire an intrinsic: On the Trail
You acquire an item: burning newspaper
Preference _garbageFireDropsCrown changed from 2 to 3
Round 2: You lose 1 hit point
Preference trackedMonsters changed from garbage tourist:Transcendent Olfaction:22891 to 
Preference trackedMonsters changed from  to toothless mastiff bitch:Transcendent Olfaction:23492
Preference olfactedMonster changed from garbage tourist to toothless mastiff bitch
Preference _olfactionsUsed changed from 0 to 1
Round 2: Captain Scotch casts GALLAPAGOSIAN MATING CALL!
Preference trackedMonsters changed from toothless mastiff bitch:Transcendent Olfaction:23492 to toothless mastiff bitch:Transcendent Olfaction:23492:toothless mastiff bitch:Gallapagosian Mating Call:23492
Preference _gallapagosMonster changed from  to toothless mastiff bitch
Round 3: Captain Scotch  casts KGB TRANQUILIZER DART!
You acquire an item: inflammable leaf
Round 4: You gain 1 Wizardliness
Preference banishedMonsters changed from shadow slab:Feel Hatred:23491:baa-relief sheep:KGB tranquil    izer dart:23492 to shadow slab:Feel Hatred:23491
Preference banishedMonsters changed from shadow slab:Feel Hatred:23491 to shadow slab:Feel Hatred:23491:toothless mastiff bitch:KGB tranquilizer dart:23492
Preference _kgbTranquilizerDartUses changed from 1 to 2

Hidden temple does have requireMapTheMonsters in it, so it shouldn't ever actually hit those NCs. If I had to guess, the root cause of this bug is that we're unexpectedly changing our pickpocket target because the previous one was banished. Mafia appears to be smart enough to do some funny stuff here, though--we successfully did a sheep, then switched to another zone because we banished the sheep with a tranqdart, and then switched back to the hidden temple because we banished another thing with a tranqdart.

There also could be an unexpected fallthrough case when we do have map-valid targets but we don't have any nonmap-valid targets, and we're out of maps. Definitely warrants a lot of investigation.

horrible-little-slime commented 4 months ago

(realistically this will get fixed when we entirely rewrite free run fights)