loathers / garbage-collector

Script for farming meat (and garbage) in 2003 web RPG Kingdom of Loathing
24 stars 59 forks source link

[BUG] garbo stuck on trying to spring away when not able to #1866

Closed C2Talon closed 4 months ago

C2Talon commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug I have 40 turns of everything looks green and during the free fights portion garbo insists to try to use "spring away" in a combat giving this error every time: JavaScript exception: Combat exception! Last macro error: Too many, or zero, matches for skill, "Spring Away", macro aborted.. Exception Combat exception! Last macro error: Too many, or zero, matches for skill, "Spring Away", macro aborted.. Exception KoLmafia error: You're on your own, partner. (Too many, or zero, matches for skill, "Spring Away", macro aborted.).. I have gone so far as to put the spring shoes in my display case and restart mafia after, and still garbo tries to do this thing and won't do anything else.

Session Log

> Using adventure value 5566.
> Local Version: 231866834f58629a0f692dcca58257c7b908be35 (built from main@2909e3ba66d60e0896c8758ac28b6e23347e9d3a)
> Garbo is up to date!
> Collecting garbage!
Preference customCombatScript changed from barf farm to garbo
Preference hpAutoRecovery changed from 0.6 to -0.05
Preference hpAutoRecoveryTarget changed from 0.95 to 0
Preference mpAutoRecoveryTarget changed from -0.05 to 0
Preference currentMood changed from barfgeneral to apathetic
Preference allowNonMoodBurning changed from true to false
Preference libramSkillsSoftcore changed from all to none
Preference valueOfInventory changed from 2.0 to 2
> Stash access is disabled. Ignoring request to borrow "repaid diaper, Buddy Bjorn, Crown of Thrones, Pantsgiving, mafia pointer finger ring, haiku katana, Operation Patriot Shield" from clan stash.
> We should not be yachtzee chaining
> Skipping fancy chocolate sculpture; too expensive (78000 > 32830).
Preference customCombatScript changed from garbo to grimoire_macro
> Executing Daily/Refresh Latte
> CCS: [default]\n ";"

> Executing Daily/Verify Horsery
> CCS: [default]\n ";"
> Executing Daily/Use BittyCar MeatCart
> CCS: [default]\n ";"
> Stash access is disabled. Ignoring request to borrow "BittyCar MeatCar" from clan stash.
mallsearch "BittyCar MeatCar"
> Executing Daily/Use BittyCar SoulCar
> CCS: [default]\n ";"
> Stash access is disabled. Ignoring request to borrow "BittyCar SoulCar" from clan stash.
mallsearch "BittyCar SoulCar"
> Executing Daily/Check Barf Mountain Quest
> CCS: [default]\n ";"

Visiting the Employee Assignment Kiosk
> The cost of 20 toxic globules (23780) exceeds the profits expected from 3 FunFunds™ (21167.864999999998). Consider farming some globules yourself.
> Executing Daily Items/Treat

equip hat head-mounted Trainbot

equip pants leg-mounted Trainbots

equip acc1 shoulder-mounted Trainbot
> CCS: [default]\n "abort "We were planning on Treating, but we've been Tricked!";"
> Autoattack macro: abort "We were planning on Treating, but we've been Tricked!";

Preference hpAutoRecoveryTarget changed from 0.0 to 0
Preference mpAutoRecoveryTarget changed from 0.0 to 0
Preference customCombatScript changed from grimoire_macro to garbo
Preference nextAdventure changed from Shadow Rift (Forest Village) to Barf Mountain
Maximizer: Familiar Experience, -"equip Amulet of Perpetual Darkness", -"equip Spooky Putty ball", -"equip Spooky Putty leotard", -"equip Spooky Putty mitre", -"equip Spooky Putty snake", -"equip broken champagne bottle", -"equip dice-shaped backpack", -"equip papier-masque", -"equip papier-mitre", -"equip smoke ball", -"equip stinky fannypack", -"equip ¶5868", -"equip ¶5869", -"equip ¶5872", -buddy-bjorn, -crown-of-thrones, 100 "bonus pantogram pants", 220 "bonus Mr. Cheeng's spectacles", 236.11 "bonus lucky gold ring", 32.4 "bonus rake", 32.4 "bonus tiny rake", 6.25 "bonus Powerful Glove"

equip hat giant yellow hat
Preference lastEncounter changed from Send up a Smoke Signal to Adjust your Parka
Encounter: Adjust your Parka
Took choice 1481/1: Pull the kachungasaur tab
Preference parkaMode changed from dilophosaur to kachungasaur

equip pants pantogram pants

equip acc1 Powerful Glove

take from closet: 1 Mr. Cheeng's spectacles
You acquire an item: Mr. Cheeng's spectacles

equip acc2 Mr. Cheeng's spectacles
> Maximize: Familiar Experience
Encounter: Adjust your Parka
Took choice 1481/2: Pull the dilophosaur tab
Preference parkaMode changed from kachungasaur to dilophosaur
Preference nextAdventure changed from Barf Mountain to Shadow Rift
Preference nextAdventure changed from Shadow Rift to Barf Mountain
Preference nextAdventure changed from Barf Mountain to Shadow Rift (Forest Village)

[416] Shadow Rift (Forest Village)
Preference lastEncounter changed from Adjust your Parka to shadow guy
Encounter: shadow guy
Preference _shadowRiftCombats changed from 91 to 92
Round 0: c2t wins initiative!
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 9 to 8
Round 1: c2t executes a macro!
Preference customCombatScript changed from garbo to barf farm
Preference hpAutoRecovery changed from -0.05 to 0.6
Preference hpAutoRecoveryTarget changed from 0.0 to 0.95
Preference mpAutoRecoveryTarget changed from 0.0 to -0.05
Preference currentMood changed from apathetic to barfgeneral
Preference allowNonMoodBurning changed from false to true
Preference libramSkillsSoftcore changed from none to all
Preference valueOfInventory changed from 2.0 to 2
Encounter: shadow guy
> You fought 0 Knob Goblin Embezzler at the beginning of the day, and an additional 0 digitized Knob Goblin Embezzler throughout the day. Good work, probably!
> Including this, you have fought 0 across all ascensions today
> Extreme Items:
> This run of garbo, across 0 turns you generated 0 meat, with 0 raw meat and 0 from items
> So far today, across 0 turns you generated 1,072,549 meat, with -246,365 raw meat and 1,318,914 from items
Shad0 commented 4 months ago

[deleted because this is the wrong place for it]