loathers / garbage-collector

Script for farming meat (and garbage) in 2003 web RPG Kingdom of Loathing
24 stars 59 forks source link

[BUG] Losing to sausage goblin due to lack of MP #1935

Open BringDaRufus opened 4 weeks ago

BringDaRufus commented 4 weeks ago

I've been losing to sausage goblins more frequently recently (or technically, the fight gets drawn out to the round limit). It looks to be due to not having enough MP to use the needed skills, and the CCS then falling back to regular attacks, leading to a stalemate.

This appears to only happen while the Chest Mimic is my familiar, and my equips are all focused on maximizing familiar exp.

Wandering at The Haunted Kitchen for expected value 0.00 (Default)  

Preference _meatperhp changed from 0.01013553193408758 to 0.01285679135668615  
Casting Empathy of the Newt 2 times…  
You acquire an effect: Empathy (14)  
Empathy of the Newt was successfully cast.  
Casting Disco Leer 2 times…  
You acquire an effect: Disco Leer (20)  
Disco Leer was successfully cast.  
Casting Leash of Linguini 2 times…  
You acquire an effect: Leash of Linguini (20)  
Leash of Linguini was successfully cast.  
Casting Pride of the Puffin 2 times…  
You acquire an effect: Pride of the Puffin (20)  
Pride of the Puffin was successfully cast.  
Casting Singer's Faithful Ocelot 2 times…  
You acquire an effect: Singer's Faithful Ocelot (20)  
Singer's Faithful Ocelot was successfully cast.  
Casting Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance 2 times…  
You acquire an effect: Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance (20)  
Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance was successfully cast.  
Casting The Polka of Plenty 1 times…  
You acquire an effect: Polka of Plenty (10)  
The Polka of Plenty was successfully cast.  

Visit to Manor1: The Haunted Kitchen in progress…  

[161] The Haunted Kitchen  
Preference lastEncounter changed from zombie chef to sausage goblin  
Encounter: sausage goblin  
Preference _sausageFights changed from 3 to 4  
Preference _lastSausageMonsterTurn changed from 356799 to 356817  
Round 0: player wins initiative!  
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 8 to 7  
Round 0: player uses the porquoise-handled sixgun!  
Round 1: You lose 60 hit points  
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 7 to 8  
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Viewing Platform. As your train passes the viewing platform, the crowd shouts and cheers inspiring you!  
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 104 to 105  
Round 1: You gain 248 Fortitude  
Round 1: You gain 210 Magicalness  
Round 1: You gain 195 Smarm  
Round 1: sausage goblin takes 25 damage.  
Round 1: You gain 30 Muscularity Points  
Round 1: You lose 24 hit points  
Round 1: player uses the seal tooth!  
Round 2: sausage goblin takes 1 damage.  
Round 2: You lose 25 hit points  
Round 2: player uses the seal tooth!  
Round 3: sausage goblin takes 1 damage.  
Round 3: You lose 25 hit points  
Round 3: player uses the seal tooth!  
Round 4: sausage goblin takes 1 damage.  
You gain 42 Meat.  
Round 4: You lose 11 hit points  
Round 4: player casts CINCHO: PROJECTILE PIÑATA!  
Round 5: sausage goblin takes 29 damage.  
You acquire an item: ribbon candy  
You acquire an item: crazy little Turkish delight  
You acquire an item: sterno-flavored Hob-O  
Preference _cinchUsed changed from 95 to 100  
Round 5: player attacks!  
Round 6: sausage goblin takes 4 damage.  
Round 6: You lose 11 hit points  
Round 6: player casts SAUCEGEYSER!  
Round 7: sausage goblin takes 648 damage.  
Round 7: You lose 11 hit points  
Round 7: player casts SAUCESTORM!  
Round 8: sausage goblin takes 70 damage.  
Round 8: sausage goblin takes 35 damage.  
Round 8: You lose 11 hit points  
Round 8: player attacks!  
Round 9: sausage goblin takes 4 damage.  
Round 9: You lose 11 hit points  
Round 9: player attacks!  
Round 10: sausage goblin takes 3 damage.  
Round 10: You lose 23 hit points  
Round 10: player attacks!  
Round 11: sausage goblin takes 52 damage.  
Round 11: You lose 24 hit points  
Round 11: player attacks!  
Round 12: sausage goblin takes 5 damage.  
Round 12: You lose 25 hit points  
Round 12: player attacks!  
Round 13: sausage goblin takes 4 damage.  
Round 13: You lose 26 hit points  
Round 13: player attacks!  
Round 14: sausage goblin takes 51 damage.  
Round 14: You lose 12 hit points  
Round 14: player attacks!  
Round 15: sausage goblin takes 4 damage.  
Round 15: You lose 11 hit points  
Round 15: player attacks!  
Round 16: sausage goblin takes 4 damage.  
Round 16: You lose 26 hit points  
Round 16: player attacks!  
Round 17: sausage goblin takes 5 damage.  
Round 17: You lose 74 hit points  
Round 17: player attacks!  
Round 18: sausage goblin takes 4 damage.  
Round 18: You lose 23 hit points  
Round 18: player attacks!  
Round 19: sausage goblin takes 3 damage.  
Round 19: You lose 11 hit points  
Round 19: player attacks!  
Round 20: sausage goblin takes 48 damage.  
Round 20: You lose 13 hit points  
Round 20: player attacks!  
Round 21: sausage goblin takes 5 damage.  
Round 21: You lose 12 hit points  
Round 21: player attacks!  
Round 22: sausage goblin takes 6 damage.  
Round 22: You lose 27 hit points  
Round 22: player attacks!  
Round 23: sausage goblin takes 4 damage.  
Round 23: You lose 25 hit points  
Round 23: player attacks!  
Round 24: sausage goblin takes 4 damage.  
Round 24: You lose 25 hit points  
Round 24: player attacks!  
Round 25: sausage goblin takes 53 damage.  
Round 25: You lose 24 hit points  
Round 25: player attacks!  
Round 26: sausage goblin takes 49 damage.  
Round 26: You lose 27 hit points  
Round 26: player attacks!  
Round 27: sausage goblin takes 50 damage.  
Round 27: You lose 26 hit points  
Round 27: player attacks!  
Round 28: sausage goblin takes 3 damage.  
Round 28: You lose 23 hit points  
Round 28: player attacks!  
Round 29: sausage goblin takes 4 damage.  
Round 29: You lose 12 hit points  
Round 29: player attacks!  
Round 30: sausage goblin takes 3 damage.  
Round 30: You lose 12 hit points  
Round 30: player attacks!  
Round 31: sausage goblin takes 6 damage.  
Round 31: You lose 12 hit points  
Round 31: player attacks!  
You acquire an item: inflammable leaf  
Round 32: You gain 1 Mysteriousness  
Preference sweat changed from 34 to 36  
Preference lastCopyableMonster changed from Knob Goblin Embezzler to sausage goblin  
Preference _lastCombatWon changed from true to false  
Preference _lastCombatLost changed from false to true  
Preference familiarSweat changed from 86 to 89  

Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 459 to 460  
Preference _meatperhp changed from 0.01285679135668615 to 0.017317049988379456  
Autoattack is disabled.  
allowNonMoodBurning => false  
Preference allowNonMoodBurning changed from true to false  
Preference customCombatScript changed from garbo to grimoire_macro  
CCS set to grimoire_macro  
hpAutoRecoveryTarget => 0  
Preference hpAutoRecoveryTarget changed from 0.0 to 0  
mpAutoRecoveryTarget => 0  
Preference mpAutoRecoveryTarget changed from 0.0 to 0  
allowNonMoodBurning => true  
Preference allowNonMoodBurning changed from false to true  
Preference customCombatScript changed from grimoire_macro to garbo  
CCS set to garbo  
Autoattack is disabled.  
_lastCombatLost => false  
Preference _lastCombatLost changed from true to false  
Sending kmail to Excavator…  
Sending kmail to Excavator…  
logPreferenceChange => false  
Preference logPreferenceChange changed from true to false  
CCS set to wham  
hpAutoRecoveryTarget => 0.6  
mpAutoRecoveryTarget => 0.2  
allowNonMoodBurning => false  
valueOfInventory => 2  
You fought 20 Knob Goblin Embezzler at the beginning of the day, and an additional 0 digitized Knob Goblin Embezzler throughout the day. Good work, probably!  
Including this, you have fought 89 across all ascensions today  
Extreme Items:  
3 waffle worth 35100 total  
1 borrowed time worth 30326 total  
4 FunFunds™ worth 30132 total  
-1 one-day ticket to Dinseylandfill worth -150660 total  
-1 pocket wish worth -44550 total  
-1 box of Familiar Jacks worth -29993 total  
This run of garbo, across 20 turns you generated 40,351 meat, with 165,119 raw meat and -124,768 from items  
So far today, across 630 turns you generated 4,856,778 meat, with 3,503,894 raw meat and 1,352,884 from items  
JavaScript exception: Error: You lost your most recent combat! Check to make sure everything is alright before rerunning. (file:/Users/player/Library/Application%20Support/KoLmafia/scripts/garbage-collector/garbo.js#31347)  
at file:/Users/player/Library/Application%20Support/KoLmafia/scripts/garbage-collector/garbo.js:31347 (safeRestore)  
at file:/Users/player/Library/Application%20Support/KoLmafia/scripts/garbage-collector/garbo.js:42483 (postCombatActions)  
at file:/Users/player/Library/Application%20Support/KoLmafia/scripts/garbage-collector/garbo.js:45439 (doSausage)  
at file:/Users/player/Library/Application%20Support/KoLmafia/scripts/garbage-collector/garbo.js:44380  
at file:/Users/player/Library/Application%20Support/KoLmafia/scripts/garbage-collector/garbo.js:41423 (withStash)  
at file:/Users/player/Library/Application%20Support/KoLmafia/scripts/garbage-collector/garbo.js:44275 (dailyFights)  
at file:/Users/player/Library/Application%20Support/KoLmafia/scripts/garbage-collector/garbo.js:50148  
at file:/Users/player/Library/Application%20Support/KoLmafia/scripts/garbage-collector/garbo.js:41444 (withClan)  
at file:/Users/player/Library/Application%20Support/KoLmafia/scripts/garbage-collector/garbo.js:41438 (withVIPClan)  
at file:/Users/player/Library/Application%20Support/KoLmafia/scripts/garbage-collector/garbo.js:50124  
at file:/Users/player/Library/Application%20Support/KoLmafia/scripts/garbage-collector/garbo.js:41423 (withStash)  
at file:/Users/player/Library/Application%20Support/KoLmafia/scripts/garbage-collector/garbo.js:50123 (main)
horrible-little-slime commented 3 weeks ago

This might be an issue with mp recovery settings. Could you share a full session log?

BringDaRufus commented 3 weeks ago

Here's my session log of yesterday, where it happened twice. bsander_20240615.txt