loathers / yorick

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Quest Outfit Optimization Support #67

Open horrible-little-slime opened 2 years ago

horrible-little-slime commented 2 years ago

An idea was floated in discord that there should be a button to maximize certain modifiers for various quests--for example, maxing out init or +item or -combat and +ML or whatever during the L7 quest. The issue with that is that there's a lot of gear that doesn't directly contribute to this sort of thing that you do want to use. I propose a system like this:

You look at the L7 quest panel, and decide to do the alcove. You hit the "Get dressed" button.

A popup appears, showing your current outfit with checkboxes. You want to keep your CMG equipped, because you really need that next void fight, so you click that checkbox. You want to keep your powerglove equipped, because you're really far away from 30 white pixels, so you click that checkbox. The others are fine.

It's the L7 quest, so the default maximizer string includes +equip retro knockoff superhero cape, +sword or whatever the hell that item is named. You click a it's makeover time! button, and before submitting the string to the maximizer, YORICK verifies that nothing you've clicked conflicts with the string it's sending--you haven't forced a back item or mainhand, so you appear to be fine. It maximizes the results and shows you your new outfit so you can make sure it isnt' doing anything incredibly silly (like equipping the beardhat when you're deliberately saving it for an upcoming buff), then proceed on your merry way.