loathers / yorick

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Run Planning/Executing Plan support #87

Open horrible-little-slime opened 2 years ago

horrible-little-slime commented 2 years ago

It would be neat to have a page where you can plan which assignable resources you plan on using for which targets. You could assign it a quest tag and a monster/item/whatever tag, so that both when you use the resource in question, YORICK reminds you "you were planning on doing this with it", and so that when you're doing the quest you assigned the resource to, YORICK reminds you to use it.

For example, you could map out ahead of time that you plan on using your cargo pockets for a pervert and for a scent gland. When you go to the cargo page, it would actively remind you that those are your planned targets, and it would tell you if those quests are currently in progress* and if those targets are available.

*We can get a little more granular than this, but not a lot. In this specific example, I'd imagine that the pervert is tied to the L9 quest as a whole, but the scent gland is tied to specifically the filthworm sidequest. Then again, there isn't a property for telling you if filthworms are started, only complete, so maybe not.