loathingKernel / ariadne-bootloader

A little less unfinished TFTP bootloader for Arduino Ethernet or Arduino with Ethernet Shield
45 stars 18 forks source link

Please specify fuses for alternative ICSP programmer. #20

Open loathingKernel opened 7 years ago

loathingKernel commented 7 years ago

From @puhycz on November 11, 2016 15:25


I try program this Ariadne-Bootloader to Arduino Mega2560 by ASIX PRESTO Programmer (I have only this programmer).

When I open hex file, there are some alert about Little or Big Endian:


Please help me with settings fuses. Is somewhere specify fuses for ariadne-bootloader?


I try default fuses with SPI prog. enabled, but it is not function ...

Many thanks,


Copied from original issue: codebendercc/Ariadne-Bootloader#36

loathingKernel commented 7 years ago

From @puhycz on November 16, 2016 12:31

I finally solved it with standard avrdude.

Step by step is here (in Czech language): https://www.puhy.cz/blog/lan-bootloader-pro-arduino-mega-2560-atmel-atmega-2560/