lob / lob-dotnet

.NET Wrapper for Lob API
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Missing "Delivered" tracking event enum value #38

Open nilesr opened 2 weeks ago

nilesr commented 2 weeks ago

Hi - I am unable to list all of my organization's letters, because some enum values are missing, causing LettersApi.list to throw an error.

lob.dotnet.Client.ApiException: Error converting value "Delivered" to type 'lob.dotnet.Model.TrackingEventNormal+NameEnum'. Path 'data[41].tracking_events[3].name', line 6335, position 39.
   at lob.dotnet.Client.ApiClient.Exec[T](RestRequest req, RequestOptions options, IReadableConfiguration configuration)
   at lob.dotnet.Client.ApiClient.Get[T](String path, RequestOptions options, IReadableConfiguration configuration)
   at lob.dotnet.Api.LettersApi.listWithHttpInfo(Nullable`1 limit, String before, String after, List`1 include, Dictionary`2 dateCreated, Dictionary`2 metadata, Nullable`1 color, Nullable`1 scheduled, Dictionary`2 sendDate, Nullable`1 mailType, SortBy3 sortBy, Int32 operationIndex)
   at lob.dotnet.Api.LettersApi.list(Nullable`1 limit, String before, String after, List`1 include, Dictionary`2 dateCreated, Dictionary`2 metadata, Nullable`1 color, Nullable`1 scheduled, Dictionary`2 sendDate, Nullable`1 mailType, SortBy3 sortBy, Int32 operationIndex)