lobaro / restic-backup-docker

A docker container to automate backups with restic
Apache License 2.0
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Automate docker build with GitHub actions #59

Open figassis opened 3 years ago

figassis commented 3 years ago

Hooks aren't available in the stable release, but readme makes no mention that they are only in the experimental / latest tag.

niondir commented 3 years ago

Hey, thanks for mentioning. Feel free to add some clarification to the readme. In general the readme is always according to the current commig (e.g. master) which rarely is the latest release. So it's common in github.

vintzvintz commented 3 years ago

As of today, the latest image on dockerhub is not up to date with the git repo ( late by 18 commits ) Hooks were added and documented in README recently. So you have two solutions :

figassis commented 3 years ago

figassis/restic-backup-docker:0.0.1 https://github.com/figassis/restic-backup-docker

niondir commented 3 years ago

I have issues setting up docker hub to always build an up to date container. I need to spend some time on it or build it with our company CI in future :)

dunklesToast commented 3 years ago

If you need help pushing a Docker Container from GitHub Actions to DockerHub I could help you.

niondir commented 11 months ago

@dunklesToast I know it's a late reply but adding GitHub actions based build would be a Great addition. PR is welcome. I would then take care about adding the right credentials for my dockerhub account.

niondir commented 11 months ago

Done: https://github.com/lobaro/restic-backup-docker/pkgs/container/restic-backup-docker

Might need some further updates, it just worked with the github template :)

dunklesToast commented 11 months ago

@niondir looks great! only thing i'd probably add would be a timeout so if the action stalls for some reason it will be terminated after a specified period of time and won't burn useless ci minutes. You can read more here: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#jobsjob_idtimeout-minutes

niondir commented 11 months ago

Sounds reasonable, can you just add it? Else I will have a look some time.

I also noted that the config already contains some deprecated stuff. And the semantic versioning approach (adding a +restic 0-16-0) fails because docker does not support the plus character in tags... Something I already found somewhere else.