lobehub / lobe-chat

🤯 Lobe Chat - an open-source, modern-design LLMs/AI chat framework. Supports Multi AI Providers( OpenAI / Claude 3 / Gemini / Ollama / Bedrock / Azure / Mistral / Perplexity ), Multi-Modals (Vision/TTS) and plugin system. One-click FREE deployment of your private ChatGPT chat application.
MIT License
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[Bug] 使用Azure模型,不可以调用插件。 #2541

Open silvonli opened 4 weeks ago

silvonli commented 4 weeks ago

💻 系统环境


📦 部署环境

Vercel / Zeabur / Sealos

🌐 浏览器


🐛 问题描述

在设置 Azure openAI 模型后,可以正常聊天,但如果使用插件,则回复内容为空。

在 Vercel 上查看日志,发现“/api/chat/openai”请求报错,提示 API key 不正确。

我没有开通openAI官方API,所以只在设置中开启了Azure模型,为什么会提示openAI API key不正确?

/api/chat/openai 报错信息:

Route: [openai] NoOpenAIAPIKey:  Error: 401 Incorrect API key provided: 16ed9055********************5c76. You can find your API key at https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys.
    at (node_modules/openai/error.mjs:44:0)
    at (node_modules/openai/core.mjs:256:23)
    at (node_modules/openai/core.mjs:299:0)
    at (src/libs/agent-runtime/utils/openaiCompatibleFactory/index.ts:82:25)
    at (src/app/api/chat/[provider]/route.ts:38:11)
    at (node_modules/next/dist/esm/server/future/route-modules/app-route/module.js:207:0)
    at (node_modules/next/dist/esm/server/future/route-modules/app-route/module.js:122:0)
    at (node_modules/next/dist/esm/server/future/route-modules/app-route/module.js:269:0)
    at (node_modules/next/dist/esm/server/web/edge-route-module-wrapper.js:81:0)
    at (node_modules/next/dist/esm/server/web/adapter.js?9fa3:158:0) {
  status: 401,
  headers: {
  connection: 'keep-alive',
  content-length: '282',
  content-type: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
  date: 'Fri, 17 May 2024 02:41:42 GMT',
  set-cookie: '_cfuvid=I8qBt8Yf.vKjFeaTAGw1CMGdSOf4gBb5Zww2Hzyx.pw-1715913702785-; path=/; domain=.api.openai.com; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None',
  strict-transport-security: 'max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains',
  vary: 'Origin',
  x-request-id: 'req_098596ece612a9895f0b1b18fecbbec0'
  request_id: 'req_098596ece612a9895f0b1b18fecbbec0',
  error: {
  message: 'Incorrect API key provided: 16ed9055********************5c76. You can find your API key at https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys.',
  type: 'invalid_request_error',
  param: null,
  code: 'invalid_api_key'
  code: 'invalid_api_key',
  param: null,
  type: 'invalid_request_error'

🚦 期望结果

希望 Azure openAI 模型可以正常使用插件。

📷 复现步骤

截屏2024-05-17 12 07 37

📝 补充信息


lobehubbot commented 4 weeks ago

👀 @silvonli

Thank you for raising an issue. We will investigate into the matter and get back to you as soon as possible. Please make sure you have given us as much context as possible.\ 非常感谢您提交 issue。我们会尽快调查此事,并尽快回复您。 请确保您已经提供了尽可能多的背景信息。

BrandonStudio commented 2 weeks ago


lobehubbot commented 2 weeks ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically. 👯👭🏻🧑‍🤝‍🧑👫🧑🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏻👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏿👬🏿

The error you reported may be because it needs to be automatically renamed using OpenAI 3.5, so the error is reported. In other words, this error report has nothing to do with the plug-in reply not being displayed.