loblaw-sre / backstage-plugin-gitlab

Backstage plugin for Gitlab
52 stars 31 forks source link

The future of plugin? #228

Open JellyBellyDev opened 1 year ago

JellyBellyDev commented 1 year ago

Hi @satrox28! My name is Andrea and I work for @immobiliare. I want to thank you so much for the amazing work done on this plugin. We really appreciate your work and have also contributed to your plugin with my colleagues @antoniomuso and @simonecorsi. We also love backstage and the open source world and we are introducing it in the company in a very central way. For some time now we have noticed a decrease in maintenance activities on this plugin. If I may, may I ask why? Perhaps you are doing something else and are no longer interested? We are currently stuck advancing our backstage version if this plugin also doesn't continue to evolve and keep up with the backstage advancements. I wanted to ask what projects do you have for this plugin? Do you have a vision? If you have little time to dedicate to it, can we give you a hand as maintainer of the plugin? We are currently already maintaining another plugin in our organization: https://github.com/immobiliare/backstage-plugin-ldap-auth Let me know and thanks again for all you do! I await yours! Best

JellyBellyDev commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone! We inform the community of users of this plugin that if we do not receive a response by Monday 5th December we will proceed with the publication of our fork in @immobiliare where we intend to maintain the plugin more actively. We hope that the plugin user community will follow and support us. Thanks and long live Backstage! šŸš€

satrox28 commented 1 year ago

Hi @JellyBellyDev ,

I am no longer with the Organization, have informed the required folks, please allow sometime for them to respond here.

JellyBellyDev commented 1 year ago

Hi @satrox28, thanks for your reply! Who are the current maintainers of this organization? Thank you

JellyBellyDev commented 1 year ago

Hi guys! not having received replies and feedback, as promised, we forked with the commitment to maintain the plugin more actively. I want to thank once again @satrox28 for the excellent work done in the past. We hope that the plugin user community will follow and support us. You can find us at the following links: https://github.com/immobiliare/backstage-plugin-gitlab https://www.npmjs.com/package/@immobiliarelabs/backstage-plugin-gitlab Thanks! šŸš€

amandeepsingh-bhamra commented 1 year ago

Hi @JellyBellyDev, Sorry for the late response!

I'm onboarding on the repo this week and we will review the pull requests within a week. Hope that's ok. Sorry for the inconvenience!


JellyBellyDev commented 1 year ago

Hi @amandeepsingh-bhamra, sorry but me and our company could not wait any longer.
Good luck!

sbarrypoppulo commented 1 year ago

Any update on the future of this plugin?

gelopfalcon commented 1 year ago


JellyBellyDev commented 1 year ago

Hi @gelopfalcon I suggest you switch to our plugin: https://github.com/immobiliare/backstage-plugin-gitlab We have already fixed several bugs and added API support for older versions of GitLab. We are currently working on adding codeowners information and improving pipeline duration display. We will release a new version this week or at the latest! šŸš€

amandeepsingh-bhamra commented 1 year ago

Hi @gelopfalcon, @sbarrypoppulo, We have started reviewing the pull requests. We are also working on releasing an updated version of this plugin. It will be released at the latest! Thanks!