loboris / MicroPython_ESP32_psRAM_LoBo

MicroPython for ESP32 with psRAM support
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Kernel panic with MicroWebSrv #183

Open TribesTom opened 6 years ago

TribesTom commented 6 years ago

Hello Loboris,

I have some strange problem with MicroWebSrv.

When I launch the MicroWebSrv, I have either a kernel panic or another thread crashing

1 case : `>>>

from microWebSrv import MicroWebSrv

import _thread _thread.list() ID=1073565532, Name: BME280, State: running, Stack=6144, MaxUsed=1900, Type: PYTHON ID=1073565148, Name: MQTT, State: waiting, Stack=6144, MaxUsed=2320, Type: PYTHON ID=1073428980, Name: MainThread, State: running, Stack=20480, MaxUsed=8480, Type: MAIN Send to thread 1073565148 data : {"humidity": "39.62", "temperature": "25.27", "pressure": "981.25"} publish to test/bureau/microsensor/test1 msg : {"humidity": "39.62", "temperature": "25.27", "pressure": "981.25"}

srv = MicroWebSrv() srv.Start(threaded=True, stackSize=16384) Send to thread 1073565148 data : {"humidity": "40.14", "temperature": "24.96", "pressure": "981.23"} publish to test/bureau/microsensor/test1 msg : {"humidity": "40.14", "temperature": "24.96", "pressure": "981.23"} Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled. Core 1 register dump: PC : 0x400ef90e PS : 0x00060730 A0 : 0x800ef968 A1 : 0x3ffd6840 A2 : 0x3f818880 A3 : 0x0000036e A4 : 0x3ffd6934 A5 : 0x00000000 A6 : 0xfffffffe A7 : 0x00000001 A8 : 0x0000002e A9 : 0x3ffd6820 A10 : 0x00000000 A11 : 0x3ffd6938 A12 : 0x00000001 A13 : 0x3f40ed3f A14 : 0x3f40ed47 A15 : 0x00000009 SAR : 0x00000020 EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001c EXCVADDR: 0x0000001c LBEG : 0x400e7288 LEND : 0x400e72b4 LCOUNT : 0x0002e96e Backtrace: 0x400ef90e:0x3ffd6840 0x400ef965:0x3ffd6860 0x400fcdfd:0x3ffd6880 0x400f4482:0x3ffd6920 0x400ef7b9:0x3ffd69a0 0x400fc1a1:0x3ffd69c0 0x400dab35:0x3ffd6a60 CPU halted.`

2nd case : `>>>

from microWebSrv import MicroWebSrv srv = MicroWebSrv() srv.Start(threaded=True, stackSize=16384)

import _thread _thread.list() ID=1073586912, Name: MicroWebServer, State: running, Stack=16384, MaxUsed=1408, Type: PYTHON ID=1073565532, Name: BME280, State: running, Stack=6144, MaxUsed=1788, Type: PYTHON ID=1073565148, Name: MQTT, State: waiting, Stack=6144, MaxUsed=2320, Type: PYTHON ID=1073428980, Name: MainThread, State: running, Stack=20480, MaxUsed=8384, Type: MAIN Send to thread 1073565148 data : {"humidity": "40.10", "temperature": "25.17", "pressure": "981.23"} publish to test/bureau/microsensor/test1 msg : {"humidity": "40.07", "temperature": "25.16", "pressure": "981.21"} Unhandled exception in thread started by <function run at 0x3f815160> Traceback (most recent call last): File "program/mqttha.py", line 26, in run AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'publish'

_thread.list() ID=1073586912, Name: MicroWebServer, State: running, Stack=16384, MaxUsed=1408, Type: PYTHON ID=1073565532, Name: BME280, State: running, Stack=6144, MaxUsed=1964, Type: PYTHON ID=1073428980, Name: MainThread, State: running, Stack=20480, MaxUsed=8384, Type: MAIN `

I have only the example index.html in the www directory.

It seems the microserver thread is accessing some memory it shouldn't.

If you need other example or the code to test I can try to plublish it.


TribesTom commented 6 years ago

Another test this morning.

I launched the webserver before the others threads this time

>>> Send to thread 1073607652 data : {"humidity": "52.06", "temperature": "22.51", "pressure": "980.91"} publish to test/bureau/microsensor/test1 msg : {"humidity": "52.08", "temperature": "22.52", "pressure": "980.91"} ***ERROR*** A stack overflow in task MicroWebServer has been detected. abort() was called at PC 0x40095d88 on core 1 Backtrace: 0x40095ba8:0x3ffda170 0x40095d6f:0x3ffda190 0x40095d88:0x3ffda1b0 0x4009172a:0x3ffda1d0 0x40093944:0x3ffda1f0 0x400938fa:0x3ffda1f8 CPU halted. I have tested with 4k and 8k stack in thread launch.

It crash when i try to load the index.html example in the browser.

TribesTom commented 6 years ago


Here is a link with the code :


The part about the ota is disabled as I m not using an OTA firmware for now. The progupdate is the same as the ota but for the py code.

After this is the real program :

I have 1 thread for a BME280 sensor. 1 thread for the MQTT which receive notification from BME thread And one thread for the webserver which will be used later for updating the configuration.


loboris commented 6 years ago

I'll try to test the code next week.

ldecicco commented 6 years ago

Hi all,

just to report that I have a very similar issue (LoadProhibited) when using MicroWebSrv with websockets. In my application, the websocket is used to receive some updated values from the user (at roughly a 100ms period). In the websocket RecvTextCallback callback I set the received value in a variable. Then a callback triggered by a timer reads such value and use it. Is it possible that we are hitting a concurrency issue? I have also tried to use machine.disable_irq()/machine.enable_irq() in the critical section in the RecvTextCallback, but it didn't fix the problem.

crxcv commented 6 years ago

also still struggeling with similar issue with LoadProhibited https://github.com/loboris/MicroPython_ESP32_psRAM_LoBo/issues/165

i have neopixel animations running in a thread. as soon as i try to change sth with the webserver i got that error.

after alot of reading i checked the sizes of the threads with _thread.list() and found out that the pixel animatios are very memory consuming. means that max_used was always just a bit smaller than max_size of the thread. so i increased the stack size of the pixel animations.. now guruMeditationError is almost gone but ended up with another error: assertion "ATB_GET_KIND(block) == AT_HEAD" failed: file "/home/chrissi/coding/microPy/MicroPython_ESP32_psRAM_LoBo/MicroPython_BUILD/components/micropython/py/gc.c", line 699, function: gc_realloc

crxcv commented 6 years ago

hey guys, i don't think this is an issue. Did u ever think of fragmentation?

i implemented the whole stuff with the original microPy framework. When trying to create a Thread i got an error - memory allocation failed. So i took a look on the memory.

Thats what my memory looks like after crash:

>>> micropython.mem_info(1) stack: 768 out of 15360 GC: total: 80000, used: 42992, free: 37008 No. of 1-blocks: 356, 2-blocks: 59, max blk sz: 383, max free sz: 381 GC memory layout; from 3ffc4b30: 00000: MDMhhhDhhShhShShq=======Q======================================= 00400: ================================================================ 00800: ================================================================ 00c00: ================================================================ 01000: ================================================================ 01400: ================================================================ 01800: =======================MhhBTSSBDhhSShMDSShSMDSSMDhBSSh=Shhh==hhh 01c00: Fh=FSh=Sh=SSh=Sh=SSSSShh===h=TBThhhLBBhhSq=======SSSSSSSSSq===== 02000: ==SSSSSShSSq=======hhhMDh=hhhTFSShh=TMDBSh==LSFFShhhSSSFFFFFFFFS 02400: h===h===FFFFFFFFh=SFFFh==SSh======Shh=Sh=h=============Sh=h===== 02800: =SSShSSq=======h==============h=========Shh==h=SSh====h=======Sh 02c00: =h======================h==h===============SSSSSh=BTTBTDh=DBBBhB 03000: hSh=h==================h==Shh============hh=h==h=h===Bh==Dhh==== 03400: ==h========hh=Bhq=======h======hSh=====Sh=h===========hhh=h===== 03800: ==hq=======h=========ShhhhSh=hh=h===hh==h=============Sh=h====== 03c00: ======================h================FFSh==============h====== 04000: =======h==============h============h============h=============== 04400: ===========h=============TB=h===hh===BBBhB=BhBh===========h===== 04800: Sh=h===========h===========h=========hhSh=h================h=q== 04c00: ================hq======SSShq===========BBBBTBhBhB=hB=hB=BBhB=h= 05000: hB=B=BBB=BB==BBBBBh====h===hh=BBhhhhhhhhhDTBhhh=h===B=BBBh====== 05400: =====h=====Bh===h==q=======BBBBBh==============hSh=BBh===h=h==h= 05800: Bhh========h============h=h=hh=Sh=B.....h=....h=.......h........ 05c00: .......Sh=h=====...hhh====h==========h====h=============h======= 06000: h=========.........................................h============ 06400: =====================h==========h======h=====h================h= 06800: ================================================================ 06c00: ===......hhhhh==hh.....hq=========...............h============== 07000: =========..........................hh=====================...... (2 lines all free) 07c00: ..................hq=======..................................... 08000: ..................h===========================.................. (2 lines all free) 08c00: ...........................................................hq=== 09000: ====...............hhh==h.....hhhh=.hhhhh.....hh...hhh...h.....h 09400: ...................................................h======h===== 09800: =====..hq=======................................................ (2 lines all free) 0a400: h====h========h================h=======h===========h============ 0a800: =h=====..........................q=======h====================== 0ac00: =========================....................................... (3 lines all free) 0bc00: .............q=================================................. 0c000: ................................................................ 0c400: .....h.....hhh.................................................. (2 lines all free) 0d000: ..............hh...h............................................ 0d400: .......................................................hh......h 0d800: hh........................h=.................................... 0dc00: ................................................................ 0e000: .............h==========================h=====h=====h===h====h== 0e400: h=====h=========h======h======hh=========hh=============hh=====h 0e800: h====hh==========h=h===================hh=========h=h=========== 0ec00: =hh==============h=h=============hh=================h=========== 0f000: ===============hh==h================hh==hh===hh==hh===hh==hh===h 0f400: h======h=h==hh==hh=hh==hh===hh==hh===hh===hh===hh===hh==h....... (5 lines all free) 10c00: ..h============================================================= 11000: ================================================================ 11400: ================================================================ 11800: ================================================================ 11c00: ================================================================ 12000: ===========..................................................... (5 lines all free) 13800: ........