loboris / MicroPython_ESP32_psRAM_LoBo

MicroPython for ESP32 with psRAM support
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microWebSrv: no module named 'websocket' since last commit #206

Open crxcv opened 6 years ago

crxcv commented 6 years ago

tried with websocket enabled and disabled in menuconfig. same result.

I don't use websockets, so i downloaded the file microWebSocket.py, renamed it to websocket.py and uploaded it to the esp. --> no more error

loboris commented 6 years ago

Is the websocket module listed in modules? With websockets enabled in menuconfig:

>>> help('modules')
__main__          io                select            upip_utarfile
_thread           json              socket            upysh
ak8963            logging           ssd1306           urandom
array             machine           ssl               ure
binascii          math              struct            urequests
btree             microWebSocket    sys               uselect
builtins          microWebSrv       time              usocket
cmath             microWebTemplate  tpcalib           ussl
collections       micropython       ubinascii         ustruct
display           mpu6500           ucollections      utime
errno             mpu9250           uctypes           utimeq
framebuf          network           uerrno            uzlib
freesans20        os                uhashlib          **websocket**
functools         ota               uheapq            writer
gc                pye               uio               ymodem
gsm               random            ujson             zlib
hashlib           re                uos
heapq             requests          upip
Plus any modules on the filesystem
>>> import websocket
>>> dir(websocket)
['__class__', '__name__', 'websocket']
nickovs commented 6 years ago

It seems that the microWebSrv.py never actually directly uses websocket at all. Is it even necessary to import it? It gets imported again from microWebSocket.py and the import of that into the main server is wrapped in a try ... except ... (which is silent and ignores all exceptions 😦 ). Maybe the right thing to do is to remove the line that imports websocket since it looks like the rest of the server should work fine even if websocket support is configured to be off.

loboris commented 6 years ago

@nickovs You are right, websockets module is not used by microWebSrw/microWebSocket and the import can be removed. I don't remember why the import was placed in those files. I'll remove it in the next update.

loboris commented 6 years ago

In the latest commit the unneeded imports are removed.