Closed Pjort closed 6 years ago
@Pjort: I think I had same problem, not sure due to other problems. However, following might solve your problem:
Instead of
mqtt = network.mqtt('local', ....
client = network.mqtt('local', ....)
I.e. rename the first 'mqtt' to 'client'.
I remembered I changed that. Hopefully, it helps.
happy coding, Peter
No luck
>>> import network
>>> client = network.mqtt('local', 'mqtt://', user='foo', password='bar', cleansession=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'mqtt'
Ha, now it gets tough ;-)
Reading my code, I also see that the MQTT-server address in the connect-call is plain IP-address, not prefixed with 'mqtt:'. It might be a reason to try removing it from the MQTT-server address.
Here is my complete MQTT-client code, running on an ESP32, which publish temperature and humidity to a MQTT-broker, which runs on a Raspbery Zero. ESP32 and Raspberry are on local network and it works!
--------- start of code
import network from time import sleep from machine import Pin, DHT import dhtsensor import led
MQTT_BROKER = "" # MQTT Server Address (Change to the IP address of your Pi) CLIENT_ID = "LOLIND32_PRO" #2018-0923: this name must not be too long, strange! TOPIC = b'temp_humidity'
def conncb(task): print("[{}] Connected".format(task))
def disconncb(task): print("[{}] Disconnected".format(task))
def subscb(task): print("[{}] Subscribed".format(task))
def pubcb(pub): print("[{}] Published: {}".format(pub[0], pub[1]))
def datacb(msg): print("[{}] Data arrived from topic: {}, Message:\n".format(msg[0], msg[1]), msg[2])
client = network.mqtt(CLIENT_ID, MQTT_BROKER, cleansession=True, connected_cb=conncb, disconnected_cb=disconncb, subscribed_cb=subscb, published_cb=pubcb, data_cb=datacb, ) sleep(1) #wait some time for connection, it works but needed?? status = client.status()[1] print('MQTT status:', status) client.start()
sensor = dhtsensor.DHTSensor(15, DHT.DHT2X) print('DHT type:', sensor.type) print('Sensor:', sensor.sensor) print('Sensor-pin:',
led = led.Led(5) #signal MQTT transfer led.on() # builtin-led off!
while True: try: # builtin-led on: measurement t, h =
if isinstance(t, float) and isinstance(h, float): # Confirm sensor results are numeric
msg = (b'{0:3.1f},{1:3.1f}'.format(t, h))
client.publish(TOPIC, msg) # Loboris
#debug: print(msg)
print('Invalid sensor readings.')
except OSError:
print('Failed to read sensor.')
led.on() # builtin-led off: silence
---- end of code
Good luck, let us know your results, regards, Peter
OMG, sorry for the bad layout! Hopefully you understand whats going on. Peter
I tried your snippet on my esp32 board using the latest precompiled firmware and it doesn't throw any exceptions/errors or whatsoever. I'm using atom and pymakr package for doing development which is a great match btw. I ran your two lines of code inside the atom's pymakr console and it worked like a charm.
I see there a line above your code "Login succeded!" - are you connecting to the micropython console via telnet? It seems so...maybe there's something related to that. But from a standard serial console it works as expected.
Still, I tried that just now and it worked from telnet also without any exception or errors.
I tried your snippet on my esp32 board using the latest precompiled firmware and it doesn't throw any exceptions/errors or whatsoever. I'm using atom and pymakr package for doing development which is a great match btw. I ran your two lines of code inside the atom's pymakr console and it worked like a charm.
I see there a line above your code "Login succeded!" - are you connecting to the micropython console via telnet? It seems so...maybe there's something related to that. But from a standard serial console it works as expected.
Still, I tried that just now and it worked from telnet also without any exception or errors.
I compiled it my self, where is the precompiled version?
Yes I am using a telnet connection. But I just did that to ilustrate the problem, I couldn't get it to work by running a script either.
But it might be my compiled version that is bad, where is the precompiled?
Sorry for the late response. Here it is. If it's customized and compiled by you then maybe you forgot to add some module(s). Other than that I don't know what could cause the issue. I always used the prebuilt firmware (the ALL variant) and I didn't had any issues so far.
Please let us know how it goes.
Sorry for the late response. Here it is. If it's customized and compiled by you then maybe you forgot to add some module(s). Other than that I don't know what could cause the issue. I always used the prebuilt firmware (the ALL variant) and I didn't had any issues so far.
Please let us know how it goes.
Haha, that did the trick. Usually I find that prebuilds are found in the release tab in github. That is why I assumed there wasn't any prebuilds, and I had to build it my self. Thanks a lot. Now it works.
From the wiki it seems I only need to import the network lib and the create the mqtt object.
But that seems to fail for me.