loboris / MicroPython_ESP32_psRAM_LoBo

MicroPython for ESP32 with psRAM support
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Create mqtt instance object fails #219

Closed Pjort closed 6 years ago

Pjort commented 6 years ago

From the wiki it seems I only need to import the network lib and the create the mqtt object.

Login succeeded!
Type "help()" for more information.

>>> import network
>>> mqtt = network.mqtt('local', 'mqtt://', user='foo', password='bar', cleansession=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'mqtt'

But that seems to fail for me.

flashypepo commented 6 years ago

@Pjort: I think I had same problem, not sure due to other problems. However, following might solve your problem:

Instead of

mqtt = network.mqtt('local', ....


client = network.mqtt('local', ....)

I.e. rename the first 'mqtt' to 'client'.

I remembered I changed that. Hopefully, it helps.

happy coding, Peter

Pjort commented 6 years ago

No luck

>>> import network
>>> client = network.mqtt('local', 'mqtt://', user='foo', password='bar', cleansession=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'mqtt'
flashypepo commented 6 years ago

Ha, now it gets tough ;-)

Reading my code, I also see that the MQTT-server address in the connect-call is plain IP-address, not prefixed with 'mqtt:'. It might be a reason to try removing it from the MQTT-server address.

Here is my complete MQTT-client code, running on an ESP32, which publish temperature and humidity to a MQTT-broker, which runs on a Raspbery Zero. ESP32 and Raspberry are on local network and it works!


--------- start of code

MQTT client that publishes values about topic 'temp_humidity'

2018-0923 new, Loboris Micropython

import network from time import sleep from machine import Pin, DHT import dhtsensor import led

MQTT_BROKER = "" # MQTT Server Address (Change to the IP address of your Pi) CLIENT_ID = "LOLIND32_PRO" #2018-0923: this name must not be too long, strange! TOPIC = b'temp_humidity'

Loboris MQTTClient with callbacks

def conncb(task): print("[{}] Connected".format(task))

def disconncb(task): print("[{}] Disconnected".format(task))

def subscb(task): print("[{}] Subscribed".format(task))

def pubcb(pub): print("[{}] Published: {}".format(pub[0], pub[1]))

def datacb(msg): print("[{}] Data arrived from topic: {}, Message:\n".format(msg[0], msg[1]), msg[2])

client = network.mqtt(CLIENT_ID, MQTT_BROKER, cleansession=True, connected_cb=conncb, disconnected_cb=disconncb, subscribed_cb=subscb, published_cb=pubcb, data_cb=datacb, ) sleep(1) #wait some time for connection, it works but needed?? status = client.status()[1] print('MQTT status:', status) client.start()

create sensor type DHT22 at GPIO15

sensor = dhtsensor.DHTSensor(15, DHT.DHT2X) print('DHT type:', sensor.type) print('Sensor:', sensor.sensor) print('Sensor-pin:', sensor.pin)

led = led.Led(5) #signal MQTT transfer led.on() # builtin-led off!

get sensor values and publish

while True: try: led.off() # builtin-led on: measurement t, h = sensor.read()

OK, DEBUG: print('Temperature = {0:3.1f} Celsius, Humidity = {1:3.1f} %'.format(t, h))

    if isinstance(t, float) and isinstance(h, float):  # Confirm sensor results are numeric
        msg = (b'{0:3.1f},{1:3.1f}'.format(t, h))
        client.publish(TOPIC, msg) # Loboris
        #debug: print(msg)
        print('Invalid sensor readings.')
except OSError:
    print('Failed to read sensor.')

led.on() # builtin-led off: silence

---- end of code

Good luck, let us know your results, regards, Peter

flashypepo commented 6 years ago

OMG, sorry for the bad layout! Hopefully you understand whats going on. Peter

mtiutiu commented 6 years ago


I tried your snippet on my esp32 board using the latest precompiled firmware and it doesn't throw any exceptions/errors or whatsoever. I'm using atom and pymakr package for doing development which is a great match btw. I ran your two lines of code inside the atom's pymakr console and it worked like a charm.

I see there a line above your code "Login succeded!" - are you connecting to the micropython console via telnet? It seems so...maybe there's something related to that. But from a standard serial console it works as expected.

Still, I tried that just now and it worked from telnet also without any exception or errors.

Pjort commented 6 years ago


I tried your snippet on my esp32 board using the latest precompiled firmware and it doesn't throw any exceptions/errors or whatsoever. I'm using atom and pymakr package for doing development which is a great match btw. I ran your two lines of code inside the atom's pymakr console and it worked like a charm.

I see there a line above your code "Login succeded!" - are you connecting to the micropython console via telnet? It seems so...maybe there's something related to that. But from a standard serial console it works as expected.

Still, I tried that just now and it worked from telnet also without any exception or errors.

I compiled it my self, where is the precompiled version?

Yes I am using a telnet connection. But I just did that to ilustrate the problem, I couldn't get it to work by running a script either.

But it might be my compiled version that is bad, where is the precompiled?

mtiutiu commented 6 years ago


Sorry for the late response. Here it is. If it's customized and compiled by you then maybe you forgot to add some module(s). Other than that I don't know what could cause the issue. I always used the prebuilt firmware (the ALL variant) and I didn't had any issues so far.

Please let us know how it goes.

Pjort commented 6 years ago


Sorry for the late response. Here it is. If it's customized and compiled by you then maybe you forgot to add some module(s). Other than that I don't know what could cause the issue. I always used the prebuilt firmware (the ALL variant) and I didn't had any issues so far.

Please let us know how it goes.

Haha, that did the trick. Usually I find that prebuilds are found in the release tab in github. That is why I assumed there wasn't any prebuilds, and I had to build it my self. Thanks a lot. Now it works.