loboris / MicroPython_K210_LoBo

MicroPython implementation for Kendryte K210
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BUILD.sh improvements on MacOS #20

Open derekmulcahy opened 4 years ago

derekmulcahy commented 4 years ago

The code for computing the FILESIZE in BUILD.sh is incorrect on MacOS.

FILESIZE=$(stat -s MicroPython.bin | cut -d' ' -s -f 1 | cut -d'=' -s -f 2)

is getting the value of the first field in the output of stat -s and this is st_dev=16777223 on my machine. Alternative implementations are

FILESIZE=$(eval $(stat -s MicroPython.bin); echo $st_size)


FILESIZE=$(stat -s MicroPython.bin | cut -d' ' -s -f 8 | cut -d'=' -s -f 2)

which also works for me but I am not sure if this is always true.

This code appears twice in BUILD.sh and both need updating.

Thanks for all the updates!

derekmulcahy commented 4 years ago

Another suggestion for MacOS. The current build process uses features of Make which are not available in the default Mojave MacOS version of make(3.81). Adding


to the MacOS specific flow through BUILD.sh will allow the later homebrew versions of make(4.3) to be used if installed.

Here is the output I get when I don't use make from homebrew

====[ BUILD: Building on Darwin skye.local 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Thu Jan 23 06:52:12 PST 2020; root:xnu-4903.278.25~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
=====[ BUILD: File system image created
=====[ BUILD: 3 MB firmware

=====[ BUILD: UPDATE mk files
../../micropython/py/mkrules.mk:94: target `build/./' given more than once in the same rule.
../../micropython/py/mkrules.mk:94: target `build/./' given more than once in the same rule.
../../micropython/py/mkrules.mk:94: target `build/./' given more than once in the same rule.
../../micropython/py/mkrules.mk:94: target `build/./' given more than once in the same rule.

make: source: Command not found
make: source: No such file or directory
make: *** [do_mk] Error 1
==== Build ERROR ===

and for completeness, here is the output when using home-brew make

=====[ BUILD: Building on Darwin skye.local 18.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Thu Jan 23 06:52:12 PST 2020; root:xnu-4903.278.25~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
=====[ BUILD: File system image created
=====[ BUILD: 3 MB firmware

=====[ BUILD: UPDATE mk files

main.c: In function 'main':
main.c:396:15: warning: unused variable 'ld_size' [-Wunused-variable]
     uint32_t *ld_size = (uint32_t *)(MICROPY_SYS_RAMBUF_ADDR+8);
main.c:395:15: warning: unused variable 'ld_address' [-Wunused-variable]
     uint32_t *ld_address = (uint32_t *)(MICROPY_SYS_RAMBUF_ADDR+4);
main.c:394:15: warning: unused variable 'ld_mbootid' [-Wunused-variable]
     uint32_t *ld_mbootid = (uint32_t *)(MICROPY_SYS_RAMBUF_ADDR);

=====[ BUILD: Creating 'MicroPython.kfpkg'
=====[ BUILD: kfpkg created

   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
1724850   48353  174392 1947595  1db7cb MicroPython

====== Build finished =======
            version: 1.12.01
 Firmware file size: 1777664
     Firmware CRC32: d79becb7
 Flash FS starts at: 5242880

Cheers, Derek

derekmulcahy commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the chain of comments. CLEAN.sh also requires a newer version of make.

loboris commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your comments. I'll test your suggestions when I'll find some time. I'm not using MacOS regularly (I'm only testing in a virtual machine) so any suggestion from experienced Mac user is welcome.

jetpax commented 4 years ago

In order to use brew's newer version of make, I needed to export PATH="$(brew --prefix)/opt/make/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" instead of PATH="/usr/local/opt/make/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"