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Idea: Regular content publishing based on DeFi channel discussions #24

Open lobster-mirror opened 2 years ago

lobster-mirror commented 2 years ago

For now our main chat foucs on telegram and the newsletter of substack is seldom updated. It's a pity if we can't gather the excellent opinion/idea from the community. One way to record these is an article. Although we already have some bots to record the chat content they're not in control of the DAO. We also don't know how long they will maintain. Since we are switching to a DAO I propose a regular publishment from the DAO. The content is produced, controlled by the DAO.

The content can be an original article, curated chat content, an interview etc.

The publishment frequency can be daily, weekly.

The publishment platform can be substack, mirror(I prefer this because this is a web3 publishment platform).

I'd like to hear the community's opinion for this. Should we create a regular content publishment of lobsterdao?

IvanGBi commented 2 years ago

Would be great, but idk how you'd be able to maintain quality?

kkkrackpot commented 2 years ago

The idea is good, if there're ppl who's ready to manage it all.

Ribssss commented 2 years ago

I really like this idea and a lobster newsletter would be an undeniable must read. However, the person(s) in charge of it must have real skills and will have to give time. It would be fair if they were paid. This could be done with the dao's treasury. They could be paid (on a freelance basis) once the reading has been validated by the dao in the first instance.

Pispito commented 2 years ago

The idea is quite good, but as colleagues say, it is important that it be quality content, like the quality of the community :)

eggpanned commented 2 years ago

maybe we could hire a curator/editor and pay them with the dao's treasury (we can come together to vote to decide how to choose and how much to pay this editor), and then maybe pay freelance writers who submit quality articles?

cryp7och4n commented 2 years ago

Maybe we could set up something like https://mirror.xyz/race? Want to incentivize consistently good writing.

lobster-mirror commented 2 years ago

Would be great, but idk how you'd be able to maintain quality?

We can take other DAO's measures. For example both ForeFront and Bankless DAO adopt the concepet of guild. They create a writer guild and any community member with the writing skill can apply. First, we carefully choose memebers based on their previous experience. Then for every article we also need the writer guild to review. It can' avoid making a trust assumption that the writer guild would produce high quality articles. Also they'll be paid for their work. This payment can be monetery or reputations incentive.

Ribssss commented 2 years ago

It is easy to imagine how essentially this review would be for Lobster Dao. It would be a real showcase for the quality of the exchanges, the ideas, the analyses of the projects without forgetting the humor of this chan. Moreover, from the point of view of LOBS owners, any project that airdrops lobster would be discussed in the chan and would appear in this "magazine". This is a real incentive. But with the risk of being severely criticized because lobster remains independent and ethical. It will be all the more interesting for serious projects to be confronted with this.

phantohm commented 2 years ago

I think this would be a great idea. A small team could likely achieve this by compiling the best topics that came up in the TG channel on that day and link/summarize the discussions in a newsletter type publication.

Ribssss commented 2 years ago

I come back to this idea of a more elaborate newsletter for Lobsterdao. Trying to imagine in a more concrete way what it could look like, I would imagine for a first issue :

Of course, you have to add a few funny meme and post from time to time

and a point of detail, I would imagine the cover to be this great image of the nft set made by Sebastian

alex-core-0x commented 2 years ago

If there would be no one who would like to maintain the newsletter, we could hire someone like Cre8r DAO (Gabriel Haines, Ceazor, and the gang) to take care of the routine. They are degenish enough to handle this. Lobster participants propose the content, and they wrap and publish it. Imo, the content creation brunch of Lobster DAO is a must for long-term value creation.