lobster-dao / overview

Description-FAQ of the process
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Idea: "Product Hunt as a protocol" #25

Open IvanGBi opened 2 years ago

IvanGBi commented 2 years ago

Everything is here: https://lobsters.substack.com/p/product-hunt-as-a-protocol-or-grassroots


boqiboy commented 2 years ago

that`s the best idea covered all aspects already. since LOBSTERDAO is going to somehow back the projects, shall we consider our reputation to prevent the rug pull, black hats before we start to get the perk. just a thought.

kkkrackpot commented 2 years ago

it’s a list of community members who have been around for months or years in crypto, have contributed research & built things, and to this day constantly discuss & discover new projects. ... It’s a community of very well-connected and experienced DeFi degens & researchers.

"Who're all those ppl?!", a project might ask. How lobs can prove their statement -- and should they prove it at all?

A list of who's who among the DAO members would be helpful, imo.

gas1cent commented 2 years ago

Here is the pitch letter / FAQ, essentially a TL;DR version of the post aimed at projects. Would love the hear any feedback.

Hello, I'm a X founder or representative. We'd like LobsterDAO to help improve, promote, and launch the thing. How can we help each other?

You're always welcome to talk about your project in a no-shill manner in https://t.me/lobsters_chat. Ctrl+f the project name and answer questions, clarify concerns or just collect feedback. That's completely free.

A less free option would be to airdrop some of your tokens to the LobsterDAO NFT holders and/or give them early access to your product. Please keep in mind that there is no guarantee every airdrop receiver will interact with your smart contracts or share information about them. Even if they do, they will likely voice an honest and unbiased opinion that might not be exactly what you want to hear.

  1. What do I get? You get the smartest people in DeFi to look into your product, interact with it and provide useful feedback. You can write a shill post in https://t.me/lobsters_chat, a couple of tweets, may get help with testing, running a node, discussing tokenomics or whatever. Basically, you get the attention of the biggest DeFi community and can do with it what you like. You get rekt and banned if the project is a half-ass fork or a pure scam. No refunds.

  2. How much should I airdrop? That's for you to decide.

  3. Should I airdrop to minters of the NFT, current holders, or both? We encourage you to use the holders list as a better representation of the latest sate of the DAO. But again, your call.

  4. Will you insta-dump our token or hold it for life? Some of us will dump the second it starts selling, some won't. If it's a huge concern, you can always vest the tokens.

  5. Can we ...? Other forms of engagement are possible, especially if they're cool and novel. Visit https://t.me/lobsterdao or https://github.com/lobster-dao/overview/issues to discuss.

kkkrackpot commented 2 years ago

Here is the pitch letter / FAQ, essentially a TL;DR version of the post aimed at projects. Would love the hear any feedback.

Hello! My name is Elder Smith and I would like to share with you the Book of Jesus Christ!

Imo, it should be stressed that airdrops are not bribes or payments for services, they're pure incentives. Pro-active airdrops, so to say. And that "there isn't any warranty, expressed or implied, etc."

JKtranslator commented 2 years ago

Hum... Maybe a list of what each NFT Holder is willing to do? As a translator myself, I wouldn't mind to lend a hand at that area, for instance. As I think that we won't have a lot of "airdrops" at same time, maybe it's doable

kkkrackpot commented 2 years ago

I would draft it simply (l'm not good at English and typing on mobile, so the final wording must be crafted by native speakers anyway).

  1. This is a list of Lobsters, who they are and what they're good at. (Here goes a list of names/nicks with achievements, skills and all bragging. In due time I can present more detailed ideas, but now I'd only say that the info must be verified, at least partially.)
  2. The Lobsters luv new original projects. Such projects can be shilled for free in the community chat. If the lobsters get interested into a project, they can dig, dyor, help or ape pretty big.
  3. The DAO as an entity has its own funds and can be helpful too -- if enough members get interested.
  4. Incentives can make the lobsters interested a bit more deeper than usual. No guarantee, though.
  5. Even if incentivized, shilling an utter scammy shit is not tolerated. Quality and reputation are above all.
bitphish commented 2 years ago

I love this idea and it's in line with how I think LobsterDAO should proceed. The strength of LobsterDAO is its knowledge and experience within the industry so new projects would be foolish to not leverage that for their product.

IvanGBi commented 2 years ago

Looking great sers! One question remains is how to include late joiners w/o diluting the market.

Any actual tech specification for the idea below?

Screenshot 2021-10-17 at 12 13 28
norswap commented 2 years ago

Some ideas:

PairofACEs-crypto commented 2 years ago

Do we have any progress for this topic?

gas1cent commented 2 years ago

The discussion split into more concrete pieces and moved to #27, #29 and #33