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Gearbox #27

Open OffcierCia opened 2 years ago

OffcierCia commented 2 years ago

Based on Ivan's Tweet and on noble and good motives, I would like to present some ideas for reflection.

Gearbox is an interesting project and I think our cooperation should be mutually beneficial. We should receive as well as give something back, the same and vice versa.

In this regard, I have these ideas:

  1. Make Degenscore 2000+ equal to holding 3 (or 1?) NFTs so that users will get an access to Gearbox's beta

  2. Since Lobsters has lots of devs in it, maybe Lobster dao can help Gearbox and projects in general to manage some kind of community run microgrants program and amplify the grants/bounties available in the chat/hr? Our chat also can help in bug escalating in case of project's ghosting (code platforms like Immunefi might like it).

  3. Telegram has audio rooms with very user-friendly controls (better than ClubHouse) - we could use this feature for pitching projects and hosting our own podcasts. I think Gearbox can pitch on them, as well as other projects? Such events would be widely advertised and announced in advance. We already have a this perfect channel administrator with an experience of running international twitter voicerooms and CIA Officer (me) helping out.

  4. Give crossPR (Lobster DAO will provide it and hopes on Twitter mentions and reposts, can be discussed in each single case) stuff for projects via articles, microgrant-funded researches, etc...

Appreciate ideas and discussion!

Enricml commented 2 years ago

Hi, like the idea of a degenscore boost by holding a Lobs nft but i will not set a threshold.

On the other hand i was thinking about forming a translation team. Since we have lobsters from all arround the globe, we can create tranlating groups to offer translation services for projects who are willing to reward lobsters community. Just an idea that needs development.

OffcierCia commented 2 years ago
kkkrackpot commented 2 years ago

I will support Gearbox deal, in general. To give access for Lobs holders or not to give -- it's actually up to the project team, they hardly need any approval to implement it. If access is granted -- will Lobster DAO guarantee or promise anything to Gearbox in return? I will support a grant/loan to the project from the treasury, I believe the guys deserve that.

OffcierCia commented 2 years ago

@kkkrackpot good idea! Loan and grant idea is awesome. It can be put to smth like lido.fi does with its LEGO as well

eggpanned commented 2 years ago

If the LobsterDao substack goes through, maybe a regular section in the publications could be given to protocols to advertise and pitch as well?

aramabal commented 2 years ago

I am not strong in finding any errors in the code or audit, I am ready to help in beta testing, I have one shrimp I bought deliberately to take part in the development of LobsterDAO and I hope I can bring great value in the future. I follow each proposal closely and am ready to immerse myself in work to gain experience and increase contribution.

FiveBoroughs commented 2 years ago

I think we need to define what GearBox might Need first:

  1. Just testnet activity?
  2. Liquity?
  3. Some kind of Nodes/validators?
  4. Twitter activity?
  5. Detailed articles?
  6. Some open source clients in popular languages for their API?
  7. Liquidation bots?

A lot of it depends on how the project is structured and what stage they are at.

tesslerc commented 2 years ago

Gearbox, and any other project, need active useful users that want the project to succeed.

I think the best way is to "bribe" lobsters by providing the multisig with tokens. Then we, as a whole, are incentivised to help the project succeed. We are forced by design to hold and not dump (as the DAO controls the treasury).

So project gets incentivised users that won't dump, lobsters get increased value under management.

Not exactly a proposal but rather how I see our cooperation with other projects in a successful way that makes sense.

cdschwartz commented 2 years ago

I think there would be significant value in doing a Telegram project demo using voice/video chat, followed up with Q&A (point 3 in the original posts list). I could see this working exceptionally well for projects that does a "guarded farming" launch and similar models.

One way to think of it is as the defi-builder-nerd equivalent of a Twitter Influencer campaign.

For a project to do well, it needs

Lobsters are a prime audience for the last two items.

One caveat is that the Telegram video quality is somewhat bad for showing code and details, but I think this is offset by how easy it is for people to join.

boqiboy commented 2 years ago

1-Minted 1 lobster NFT, and no money to buy more. 1 is enough instead of 3 to obtain in any access, when we are saying LOBSTERDAO. some degans come late, also have 1. 2- Followed gearbox from long time ago, everyday check if there is any update, and active to do a UI test, report bug if any. 3- The knowledge, ability and resources of each lobster are in variety range, but the enthusiasm and attitude is to make the DAO more active in development, test, broadcasting etc. etc. is always same. cause we are somehow connected. 4- The idea is to kick off the DAO running with gearbox or whatever, see if the LOBSTER, even a chick LOBSTER is only a NFT, and then we should get away. or we can really do something for make a big room. 5- Gearbox is a really cool project, which could be using leverage on any DEFI protocols, I am a fan of DEFI, I am a member of LOBSTERDAO, I am ready to provide what I can do for gearbox test.

Go to join their DISCORD, learn sth. See what we could do, maybe UI test, maybe code verification, maybe make some broadcast.

bitphish commented 2 years ago

Based on Ivan's Tweet and on noble and good motives, I would like to present some ideas for reflection.

Gearbox is an interesting project and I think our cooperation should be mutually beneficial. We should receive as well as give something back, the same and vice versa.

In this regard, I have these ideas:

  1. Make Degenscore 2000+ equal to holding 3 (or 1?) NFTs so that users will get an access to Gearbox's beta
  2. Since Lobsters has lots of devs in it, maybe Lobster dao can help Gearbox and projects in general to manage some kind of community run microgrants program and amplify the grants/bounties available in the chat/hr? Our chat also can help in bug escalating in case of project's ghosting (code platforms like Immunefi might like it).
  3. Telegram has audio rooms with very user-friendly controls (better than ClubHouse) - we could use this feature for pitching projects and hosting our own podcasts. I think Gearbox can pitch on them, as well as other projects? Such events would be widely advertised and announced in advance. We already have a this perfect channel administrator with an experience of running international twitter voicerooms and CIA Officer (me) helping out.
  4. Give crossPR (Lobster DAO will provide it and hopes on Twitter mentions and reposts, can be discussed in each single case) stuff for projects via articles, microgrant-funded researches, etc...

Appreciate ideas and discussion!

For 2 and 4 I'd like to see some sort of compensation go to the treasury and then the DAO can vote to allocate some of it to compensate the ones within the DAO that did the work.

SuperMassiveOne commented 2 years ago

Rather than asking what we can do. Why don't we canvas projects about what they need help with. I feel like there's always a solution before there's a problem. I would worry about participation if it's just pitch sessions. The most valuable piece of all of this would be the summaries. i.e. WHAT WE LEARNED THIS WEEK.

It's the granular, deep in the weeds shit that most projects have no time to find for themselves. But just thinking out loud here.

JKtranslator commented 2 years ago

Hi, like the idea of a degenscore boost by holding a Lobs nft but i will not set a threshold.

On the other hand i was thinking about forming a translation team. Since we have lobsters from all arround the globe, we can create tranlating groups to offer translation services for projects who are willing to reward lobsters community. Just an idea that needs development.

I'm in for English-Portuguese language pair

MichaelStephen2428 commented 2 years ago

One ideea that I would love to see is that every project that we collaborate with (mainly DeFi like Gearbox) helps us (the DAO) to set up like some sort of fund to:

Test if their protocol works and delivers what promised + develop interesting strategies/synergies to maximise profit. I would see this fund as a $$$ contribution from the team (maybe instead of micro-grants) + guarded launch style contribution from the Lobster Degens. Here the team can maybe make a list of the most involved participants and the DAO can distribute the rewards from the strategies in a similar way to the initial Lobster NFTs distribution.

This way more people would be interested to test/bughunt/audit it and create a long lasting relationship with the project, instead of a "one off" grant/airdrop fuelled hype activity.

eggpanned commented 2 years ago

I think wrt Gearbox specifically, I agree with @SuperMassiveOne, maybe we can get to know from Ivan and his team what help he wants to get from the Lobsters? Other than that I agree completely with the rest of OffcierCIA's proposal!

uniswalpha commented 2 years ago

I think the contribution we can make to Gearbox can be divided into DAO level and membership level. At the DAO level there could be official partnership and support (twitter/funding...) while at the membership level I can only think of members helping with stress test the (beta) product. Each member could contribute more like @SuperMassiveOne making video demo or education of the product but this is more like individual deal with Gearbox than on behalf of the DAO.

IvanGBi commented 2 years ago

Looking amazing! Could someone compile it all together?

Then lobsterdao could also write a substack article with all the points + the experience post-fact.

chrouzz commented 2 years ago

I think to get a boost one should own more than 1 lobster.

tartakovsky commented 2 years ago

Looking amazing! Could someone compile it all together?

Then lobsterdao could also write a substack article with all the points + the experience post-fact.


Finalized proposal

Vote on snapshot

OffcierCia commented 2 years ago

@IvanGBi @tartakovsky Checked, all's good

tartakovsky commented 2 years ago

Here we wait for Ivan to answer in Discord channel for Gearbox.

kkkrackpot commented 2 years ago

Is the deal done?