lobster-dao / overview

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LobsterDAO: Mission, what do we want to be? #32

Open tartakovsky opened 2 years ago

tartakovsky commented 2 years ago

@alekseipu asked in TG what is the mission statement of the DAO? What goals do we want to pursue aside from making bank?

I have no idea. This is the place for people who have some to discuss.

gas1cent commented 2 years ago

I think we should aim to:

1) bring new people to crypto, DeFi, and LobsterDAO in particular 2) improve lives of existing users, researchers, and builders 3) experiment with things other DAOs haven't touched yet ... 27) Pump our bags

Those are very broad definitions of course.

For #1, we already have good ideas to start with, like the podcast / voice chat kind of thing. I also liked the monthly zine idea and it appears we have a couple of designers and marketers ready to help with that. We could rent a billboard somewhere, sponsor a conference, etc.

2 is in part what our deals with new or existing protocols could achieve. I also talked about using the DAO funds to provide psychological support to apes, devs and founders in need.

The recent discussion about a lobster song and a music video could be seen as example of #3 from the list, because not many DAOs have done that. It's true not all possible experiments are worth pouring the resources into, but IMO we should err on the side of doing and provide the community with experience and mistakes to learn from.

Jecherio1 commented 2 years ago

I suggest using the lobster dao to improve crypto in general in whatever that way might be.

kkkrackpot commented 2 years ago

Lobster DAO is a community to play DeFi games for fun and profit :)

goodvin commented 2 years ago

I suggest using the lobster dao to improve crypto in general in whatever that way might be.

that's the most important point imo.

kkkrackpot commented 2 years ago

I suggest using the lobster dao to improve crypto in general in whatever that way might be.

that's the most important point imo.

The point sounds kinda ambitious.

cryptographicas commented 2 years ago

imo lobsterdao should take a research and development focus by expanding on the latest models and theories within the crypto space.. by utilising the knowledge base our members posses we can position ourselves at the forefront of defi/ nft research.

JKtranslator commented 2 years ago

Besides being a useless jpeg, it would be nice if we could use the talent of the collective to help projects and defi/NFT in general. I always saw it as a place where new things were shared and ppl gave their impressions and/or helped with questions.