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LobsterDAO to review protocols seeking a gauge on Curve? #42

Open NerosBerg opened 2 years ago

NerosBerg commented 2 years ago


Please, read the discussion above, specifically the linked comment.

Some members of LobsterDAO are more than capable of achieving the task in question and there's a salary mentioned from the Curve community fund.

A potential collaboration in this regard between LobsterDAO and Curve/Convex might finally show what the purpose of our DAO is.

sv0boda commented 2 years ago

How'd you go about proposing such collaboration, ser?

NerosBerg commented 2 years ago

As there's an actual war going on for gaining control of Curve/Convex, that collaboration can happen if Andre/Banteg/Tetra see any strategic value in it. Posted to discuss if it's feasible in the first place.

kkkrackpot commented 2 years ago

Curve discussion is a bit too muh for mu smal brain. But I'd say the DAO should try to stay out of any wars whenever possible, even if conflicting parties are DAO members. Neutrality (except regarding scams, of course). Good if it's possible collaborate without sacrifizing neutrality.