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Ambire #44

Open ncerovac opened 2 years ago

ncerovac commented 2 years ago

Hey everyone, pleased to meet you!

We're Ambire, formerly AdEx, and we're building a smart wallet that's intended to combine ease of use while still being powerful enough to be your only wallet. It's web based, connects to dApps with WalletConnect and has features like seed-less login, smart recovery, paying gas fees in any ERC20, auto gas fee management, sandwiching protection, HW wallet support, 1 click access to Yearn/Aave and others. It's also open-source and multichain, launching with Ethereum and Polygon.

There will be a token, which will be distributed through long-term liquidity mining. We want to feature a boost/multiplier for LobsterDAO members, as means of involving valuable members of the community more. We would also appreciate beta testing once our updated private beta is live.

Deck: https://docsend.com/view/qijz3atn4j43f3za Landing page: https://www.ambire.com/ Tokenomics: https://gist.github.com/Ivshti/c6b93745dd0ba0d9c8256bc39769a601 Smart contract documentation: https://github.com/code-423n4/2021-10-ambire

Hi, how would the proposed boost to LOBS differ from the various boosts, detailed in the user acquisition section of the tokenomics doc?

Ivo — 28/10/2021 We're thinking about a 1.5x boost, like the vampire multiplier.

Of course those boosts compound so you can get multiple

alnash — 28/10/2021

The wallet is not ready yet, right? I'll try it at least on polygon when it's ready. Gib us a ping then!

Ivo — 28/10/2021 indeed, there is a private beta but we're currently in between a rewrite and it's not ready

ncerovac commented 2 years ago

they wanna offer to lobs:

working with them to structure the proposal

kkkrackpot commented 2 years ago

Looks like Argent no. 2 to me. Interesting, I'd try it on Polygon.

ncerovac commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone, on Monday 13.12. we will be doing Lobsters spotlight with Ambire @ our Twitter.

Shortly, the spotlight is an open discussion with projects that would like to do some kind of partnership with the Lobsters community. The idea is simple, we will have a project presentation and lobsters can ask questions that can help them out to make the decision should Lobsters community do the partnership or not.

after each spotlight, we will put a proposal for voting, and anyone that has Lobsters NFT can do the voting.

for the sake of transparency here is a draft of the proposal from Ambire team. I encourage you to go to their links and explore prior to spotlight and voting.

Remember, it's your decision!

IMPORTANT: Feel free to write your questions as a comment to this issue, or on monday during spotlight to https://t.me/lobsterdao

Partnership proposal

What is Ambire?

Ambire (previously known as AdEx Network) is building an open source DeFi smart wallet that dramatically improves the UX of incumbents like Metamask.

Some of Ambire Wallet’s killer features are:

Smart authentication

Improved DeFi UX

Meta transactions

👉 Website 👉 Whitepaper 👉 Twitter 👉 Discord

The plans

At the moment Ambire Wallet is in Open Beta, tested by the Ambire community. Feedback has been very positive so far, so next steps are:

Lobsters welcome

We highly value the LobsterDAO community as a pool of well-known value generating DeFi superusers and we would love to have you 🦞 play with 🔥

We propose a mutual partnership in which:

As many Lobsters as possible try Ambire Wallet early We want to to incentivize long term usage of the Ambire Wallet, so we will run liquidity mining incentives for early users with a special twist for Lobsters

Details about the liquidity mining program:

30% of all WALLET will be distributed as a form of user acquisition tool - in the first 4 years, all users would get WALLET tokens based on the proportion of their account net worth over the TVL of the Wallet as a form of liquidity mining program.

For example:

Reward rate is 205k WALLET per day (amounting to 7.5% annually) Total Wallet TVL is $500m Your account net worth is $500k This amounts to 500,000/500,000,000*205,000 = 205 WALLET per day

The 🦞Twist

If you hold a Lobster NFT on your signer address ( a browser wallet or hardware wallet that you use to sign transactions on the Ambire Wallet) you will receive a 1.5X liquidity mining multiplier for the 1 month of using Ambire Wallet.

If you transfer your Lobster NFT to Ambire Wallet you will continue having the 1.5X multiplier as long as you are holding the Lobster NFT into your Ambire wallet. (By the way the wallet has an NFT dashboard which looks sleek, check it here)

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Note: holding more than 1 lobster per account won’t increase your multiplier

What others said about us

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tweet link

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tweet link

Some Ambire Wallet screenshots pasted image 0 (3) pasted image 0 (4)

DelsonDeJohnette commented 2 years ago

Looks hella impressive! Is it possible to import existing wallets with their seed phrase, or could you import an Ambire wallet to MetaMask? Or are these standalone wallets?

Ivshti commented 2 years ago

Looks hella impressive! Is it possible to import existing wallets with their seed phrase, or could you import an Ambire wallet to MetaMask? Or are these standalone wallets?

You can't import from seed or export to MM because Ambire accounts are smart wallets - the account itself is a smart contract to enable transaction batching, gas abstractions and account recoveries, something that wouldn't be possible otherwise.

You can, however, as you might've seen, create Ambire accounts with Trezor/Ledger/MM in which case that respective keypair is the sole key that controls the given account.

Overall, to improve that sort of interop, there's also a planned extension which will 'emulate' metamask, in cases where users need to connect to dApps that are either incompatible with WalletConnect or buggy with it.

Undoubtedly there will be questions related to the security model and how the 'smart wallet' part is different from a normal keypair, and we're working on a full tech writeup but in the meantime: ambire accounts created with trezor/ledger/mm are essentially equivalent to dxproxies controlled by the given key, and use a very simple contract that's been used on mainnet since 2018 and audited multiple times. Accounts created with email/pass use a 2/2 msig, but can be converted to normal trezor/ledger/mm controlled accs later on, and are intended as a stepping stone for less experienced users who find seeds intimidating.

kkkrackpot commented 2 years ago

How would you compare Ambire with Argent? What is your main perk against it?

Ivshti commented 2 years ago

How would you compare Ambire with Argent? What is your main perk against it?

The main difference is that we're starting with a web-based wallet (not an extension), while Argent is currently mobile-only. The team has been strongly opinionated in that mobile is the only way to go.

We found through experience and user testing that a big percentage of crypto natives do not feel comfortable interacting with complicated dApps and managing 9+ figure sums on a mobile device, and would never consider doing so.

Feature-wise, we support built-in transaction batching (you can send multiple operations in one txn batch) and we support multiple networks (Eth, Polygon, Avalanche, BSC). Tech-wise, we use minimal proxies that are quite cheap to deploy, which adds only about 50k+ gas on the first txn the user does, vs Argent which consumes a bit more.

Finally, currently we're not considering any non-EVM chains while Argent is working on ZkSync and Starknet support.

lukeorganic commented 2 years ago

Sounds great

kkkrackpot commented 2 years ago

The wallet is live! Aped. Is the boost idea implemented?

ncerovac commented 2 years ago

boost is not, it's in voting period on lobs end https://snapshot.org/#/10b57e6da0.eth/proposal/0x8a637193a548cece4a5ccb9ee3fd019a5ed780c620441be500915ac5b333751b

after voting is done, we go to implementation phase