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Dune Analytics Dashboard #51

Closed phfr closed 2 years ago

phfr commented 2 years ago

Due to requests in chat I built a Dune analytics dashboard for Lobsterdao.

The current state is available at https://dune.xyz/kwizzles/LobsterDAO

I am glad for any input one what to change add and to maintain this long term.

The possibility of a Lobster as compensation was mentioned in chat ( https://t.me/lobsters_chat/311771 ) and I'd be happy to receive one and to further finetune and improve the dashboard according to community feedback.

As said before, feel free to drop me any ideas for further improvements

akashspl commented 2 years ago

great work :)

cryptographicas commented 2 years ago

Hey Philip this is great, well done ser dashboard looks 10/10

phfr commented 2 years ago

Thanks again to everybody who voted! I will do my best to maintain this in the future and also improve it!

NerosBerg commented 2 years ago

Hi, can you add stats for the Mood trait when you have the time?

It's the third rarest trait in the whole collection as per: https://datastudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/3ae1eb51-4dbb-4899-b264-31e3156c624e/page/M0rcC

phfr commented 2 years ago
