lobster-dao / overview

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Lobsterdao 3D | Seashells | 10b57e6 fa5h10N #52

Closed saszer closed 2 years ago

saszer commented 2 years ago


Context: I recently released an interactive 3D visualiser for Lobster NFT's, made during the EthGlobal hackathon. 'Seashells' , Generating unique 3D version of each lobsterdao NFT.

You can try it at (play on PC) : https://seashells.embracingearth.space/,
alt link: https://worldsz.github.io/Seashells_10b57e6/

Lobster NFT got released and had proper analytics sheets which caught my eye at the same time I was experimenting around this idea of 3D visualiser for 2D NFT's and they all fell together. At a Macro level, the project showcases the integration of NFT's in a game engine by different API systems, IPFS databases and wrapping of thousands of 2D NFT's to thousands of their corresponding unique 3D versions.

For Lobs Community:

Request: I've been a long member of Lobster community as sz , initially, I was obligated to get 3 drops, my wallet also got hacked amidst submission and claim and things didn't go straight. I would like to propose a proposal for 0, 1, 2 or 3 (creating proposals) Lobs. I Kind of had a product-first approach here, and a fun project I wanted to try on. If it's worthy of the request or not, is for the lobster community to decide, I thought it's worth a try and hence here it is :)

Pros and Cons: Pros: Some of these are already mentioned in the context section and that'll stay going forward such as AN AWESOME 3D VERSION of your NFT, as a version of the project is already up and out there and some has happened like showcasing LobsterDao to a global community at EthGlobal Hackathon. Furthermore in conjunction of my request:


Extra acknowledgement: Thanking msirinotis #17 and the lobster community for passing that as that work has informed this one and uses that analytics sheet as a database refrence.

karakan43 commented 2 years ago

looks dope!

saszer commented 2 years ago

anyone shy on commenting just react 👍 or 👎...

Pivomansu commented 2 years ago

looks dope ser! I believe you deserved seafood!

IvanGBi commented 2 years ago

super cool, wow, would vote YES to reward the legend

ncerovac commented 2 years ago

snapshot for voting is live, go and vote Lobs! https://snapshot.org/#/10b57e6da0.eth/proposal/0x968e65c183dcf1062bfd56b98f4dfb2d366bd4bc3099e590c3f8645d44fd9a6d

gas1cent commented 2 years ago

The easiest vote ever 😄 Stunning job @saszer!

saszer commented 2 years ago

Thank you, everyone! Awesome seafam at Lobs!

ref: https://twitter.com/10b57e6da0/status/1480502851436691457 https://twitter.com/10b57e6da0/status/1483560236371828743