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Lobster DAO DeFi con. Prague Autumn 2022 #54

Open Pivomansu opened 2 years ago

Pivomansu commented 2 years ago

Since we are under bera now and devs can`t do something, this is good time for the meet and greet. The idea is simple and clear: to hold a Lobster DAO DeFi con, where to gather the best buidlers from the DeFi world, exchange experiences and make new contacts. And, of course, dedicate a separate block to the NFT. If the idea is fundamentally interesting, then we can discuss the details and nuances. Thinking about September or October cause at Summer all going to vacations:) I live in Prague and have experience in holding mass events and festivals, I have the necessary contacts and am ready to organize the conference on the spot. Moreover, surely some of the lobsters also lives here (I remember at least one :) Why Prague