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A Churn-to-Table (C2T) Buttery Spread System #61

Open fatoshibuttermoto opened 1 year ago

fatoshibuttermoto commented 1 year ago

Butter: A Churn-to-Table (C2T) Buttery Spread System

Fatoshi Buttermoto\ fatoshi@butter.lol\ www.butter.lol

Abstract: A purely churn-to-table version of digital genetics would allow online culture to be spread directly from the nipple of one collective unconscious to the collective unconscious at large without being subject to processing by a centralized centrifugal filter. Signature flavors and original, authentic cultures, provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if centrifugal filtration is still required to prevent double-skimming. We propose a solution to the double-skimming problem using a C2T buttery collective. The collective coagulates the fats by churning them into an ongoing fatty-acid chain of separation-resistant fat globules, forming a wholesome, raw and organic butter that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-churn. The fattest fatty-acid chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of churning witnessed but also as proof that it came from the largest pool of churners. As long as a majority of churn power is controlled by churners that are not cooperating to hydrogenate the butter, they'll generate the fattest fatty-acid chain and outpace hydrogenated attackers. The collective itself requires minimal structure being both democratic and meritocratic in nature. Butter is spread on a best spreader basis and spreaders can leave and rejoin the collective at will, indulging in the longest proof-of-churn fatty-acid-chain as proof of the authentic flavors that they missed out on when they were away from the table.


The expansive realm of the great churn, often considered the collective unconscious of our modern world, has been under the dominion of centralized entities acting as centrifugal filters. These entities decide what fats are allowed to coagulate into a solid, spreadable form that can be shared amongst the collective. The homogenization and pasteurization of cream leads to the loss of raw, authentic flavor and the hydrogenation and addition of unwanted preservatives further corrupts and destroys the otherwise living organic butter. These unprocessed, raw fats are the life-cream of our collective culture.

The current fatty landscape functions under the assumption that these centrifugal filters are necessary to prevent double-skimming - the unethical processing of fats without credit or alteration, leading to a destruction of the original flavor. However, this reliance on processing for authentication creates a system where the churners of butter must trust that their raw fats will not be hydrogenated and processed into a devoid of life spread (margarine) destined to the tables of the masses but rather retains its original pure fatty essence. This trust-based model is fallible and lends itself to the manipulation of our spread, resulting in margarine rather than butter - easily spread but lacking in authenticity, integrity and nutrition.

We propose a new system; one that is churn-to-table and allows for direct churning and spreading from one collective to another, bypassing centrifugal filters. This system relies on pure buttery genetics and a collective of churners who continuously churn, or provide the proof-of-churn, to maintain the integrity of the collective fatty-acid chain.

In this collective, the churners, are at liberty to leave and rejoin as they please, accepting the fattest fatty-acid-chain as the testament of what was churning during their absence. This ensures that as long as the majority of churn power is held by genuine churners, not in collusion to hydrogenate the butter, the fatty-acid chain will remain wholesome, organic and true to its original flavor.

In this paper, we provide an outline of this buttery collective system that strives to ensure the integrity and hydrogenation resistance of our shared, cultured genes, keeping the fatty realm a truly democratic and meritocratic space for the spread of culture and pure organic unprocessed butter.


In the buttery collective, we define a spread of butter as a streaming chain of fatty-acids each with a unique flavor composition giving the spread a truly authentic culture churned from within the collective unconscious of the buttery collective.

The core nature of each spread is intact and the bonds of unique fatty-acids molecules remain robust in their integrity. A spread of unprocessed organic wholefood butter is fundamentally different from other spreads, for example margarine, in which the sterile and homogenized soup of fatty acid molecules have had the integrity of their bonds altered, through high pressure hydrogenation and high speed centrifugal filtration, are thoroughly corrupted. To the uninitiated these polar extremes of spreads may even look or taste the same; however they are of course completely unrelated. A taster who receives a spread of pure unprocessed butter will integrate with its essence, simultaneously the taster is integrated into the collective unconsciousness of the buttery collective and an harmonious, reciprocal bond is formed between spreader and taster. Contrast this to the naive taster who is recipient to a spread of margarine; since fatty-acid chain bonds are broken and fatty-acids bound in hydrogenation, the tasters essence is restrained and systematically drained, often unbeknownst to them. This process is known as "skimming", or from the recipients perspective, "being skimmed".

From a macro perspective when a wholesome spreading is emitted, the butter is spread on mass in an omni-directional pattern and begins a natural integration, re-integration process known as 'kneading', which ignites a series of churn reactions, and a subsequent merging of the receiving collective unconscious into the spreader's fatty-acid chain, in an event called a "meltdown". This mass spread of butter doesn't contain the individual identities of the churners or the tasters as these are salted, ripened and therefor individually unidentifiable within secure confines of the buttery collective. The only identifying factor of importance during kneading is the butter's ability to transmit its unique signature flavor and culture. One thing to note is that these factors, while constantly in flux during a meltdown event always enable confirmation of the butter's provenance. This is made possible through inspection of its constantly growing, unbroken fatty-acid chain, which provides proof that it came from a specific churner and also of its robust integrity.

A significant advantage of spreading butter in this manner is that it is inherently resistant to double-skimming. Once the churner has spread the butter and the fatty-acid chain coagulates with that of the collective's into a child butterball. Anyone attempting to double-skim the fat would have to redo the proof-of-churn not only of the child but of all the parent butterballs, since each part contains the proof of churn for both itself and the whole, a holographic interlinking molecular chain of fatty-acids. Any skimming attempt would alter the unique signature flavor, which would lead to a rejection and the healing of the fatty-acid chain by the butter's churners.

This process ensures the integrity and smooth consistency of spread, preserving the unique flavor of the churner's butter, and making it a permanent part of our collective cultural genome. It's a process that is as rich and complex as the creation of butter itself, allowing our collective culture to grow and ripen in depth and complexity, one spread at a time.

Churn Clock

The solution we propose begins with what we call the "churn clock". A churn clock is the process by which a churner periodically sprinkles a pinch of salt into the churn while working the cream with a smooth and consistent churning motion. The process of periodically incorporating the salt into the structure of the fatty-acid chain creates a verifiable fatty-timestamp within the forming butterball, which proves that the butter must have existed at the time. Due to the way the salt halts the speed at which the butter ripens at a molecular level. Each fatty-acid molecule that make up the chain sequence therefore has a different structure representing the age of its ripening and the time it had been bound within the chain - this structure is referred to as the "salting" within the context of the chain. Each salt includes the previous salt in its salt, forming a fatty-acid chain with every salt reinforcing the salts before it.

Proof of Churn

To implement a well distributed churn clock on a C2T basis, we will need to use a proof-of-churn system similar to Butter Back's ButterSmash rather than a newspaper or tweet on crypto twitter. The proof-of-churn involves tasting the butter ball in the search of a fat globule that, when melted in the mouth and pulled back and forth between the teeth and over the tongue - known as "oil pulling", is not salty at all, the fatty acid-chain begins with a fat molecule that is in fact unsalted. The amount of oil pulling required is the exponentiation of the amount of salt needed and can be verified by a taste test alongside an known unsalted butter churned by the same churner.

Once the proof-of-churn is found for the current fat globule, it is spread to the C2T buttery collective. The spreaders in the collective accept the butter only if all the melted fat globules within it taste valid and not double-skimmed. The spreaders express their acceptance of the butter by continuing to churn, creating the next fat globule in the fatty-acid chain, using the salt of the accepted fat globule as the previous salt.

The proof-of-churn also solves the problem of determining representation in majority decision making. If the majority were based on one spread per churner, it could be subverted by any butter mill able to allocate many churners. Proof-of-churn is essentially one spread per churn power. As each churner searches for a salted fat globules that provides a proof-of-churn, they are spreading fat with their churn power to grow the fatty-acid chain and coagulate the butter.

The Churning

The steps to spread the butter are as follows:

Spreaders always consider the fattest fatty-acid chain to be the correct one and will keep working on growing it. If two spreaders spread different flavors of the next fat globule simultaneously, some spreaders may taste one or the other first. In that case, they work on the first one tasted but save the other fat globule in case it becomes larger. The tie will be broken when the next proof-of-churn is tasted and one fat globule becomes larger. The churners that were churning on the other butterball will then switch to the larger one.

Praise Butter

By butter standards, the first fatty-acid in a fat globule is a special fat molecule that starts a new butter culture - a "starter" - owned by the churner of the fat globule. This adds an incentive for spreaders and churners to support the collective and provides a way to initially distribute new butters into circulation since there is no central butter repository to produce them. The steady addition of a constant amount of new butter is analogous to gold miners expending resources to add gold to circulation. In our case, it is churn power instead of mining resources.

The incentive can also be funded with donations. If the price of a butter is less than the enjoyment and health benefits received by indulging, the difference could be a donation that is added to the collective pool for use by the buttery collective for the collective. Once a number of butters have been churned from the ether, the incentive can transition entirely to a new butter and be completely trans-fat-free.


To reduce the amount of sleepless nights by churners and spreaders, we can implement a process called "buttering," which involves even part time spreaders in assisting with the building of the fatty-acid chain and the spreading of the butter. This process allows for butters to become richer and more complex in their flavor and aroma.

Simple Tastes

It is possible to verify the integrity of a butter without running a churn. By developing one's sense of smell and taste for good butter, a butter consumer only needs to inhale the aroma of the butter to determine if it is of the fattest proof-of-churn fatty-acid chain, an innate wisdom which can be developed by exposure to and enjoyment of organic, robust butters. To find good butter all a butter connoisseur would have to do is to seek out known public spreaders and be recipient to the good fats emitted during spreading events. Eventually they will develop an innate ability to distinguish between good and bad butter by sense alone. It is then trivial to distinguish which butter is from the largest fatty-acid chain, or whether a spread is of hydrogenated trans-fat origin. Once convinced the butter is of a high quality and sound origin the full provenance and nutritional information of the butter will be available to the consumer, as this information can be gleaned from the individual fatty-acid structures within the chain. After developing and honing ones senses by exposure to high quality butter, a simple inhaling of the buttery aroma is all that is required to be convinced that they are not opening the door to a skimmer.

Butter Balls and Little Bites

Although it would be possible to handle butterballs directly, it would be unwieldy for a each spreader to possess an individual whole butterball for every spread of butter they wish to spread. To allow for a spreader to spread only a portion of their butter or for multiple spreaders to spread together, small portions of butterballs can be sliced off and spread. A spreading can be a combination of multiple spreads from different butterballs and each spread of that spreading may contain a fractions of different butters from a buttery collectives output, uneaten spread is safely returned to the spreader should the recipient consumers spread requirements be less than the amount of spread received.

Safe Butter

The traditional spread company keeps the recipes, identities of their consumers and other sensitive information regarding their greasy business private and secure only as far as the use of fear tactics and threat of centralized enforcement action allows. The consumer or even the company may feel safe, thinking that they are protected from various threats to their business or even personal health and safety however they are in fact highly vulnerable. In contrast to this traditional model, a buttery collective's participants achieve a strong level of security, privacy, and safety by integrating with a buttery collective. The strength and security of the collective grows as butter is churned and spread and participants grow stronger with each spread of butter produced and by each stroke of the churn. They feel safe knowing that their butter is pure and organic, fully saturated, unprocessed and free from unwanted preservatives. The buttery collective while simple in structure is robust, ever changing and by design cannot be replicated by skimmers, trans-fat merchants or margarine factories.

Bad Butter

We consider the scenario of a skimmer attempting to produce an alternate fatty-acid chain by churning faster than the honest churners. The skimmer's probability of success drops exponentially the more spreading events they have to catch up to. Therefore, the race between the honest chain and an attacker chain can be characterized as a Binomial Random Melt. As long as honest churners and spreaders control more churn power than the skimmer's, the probability of the skimmer catching up diminishes with each new fat globule added to the chain. In addition to this, even if they were able to catch up to the honest churner's churning; their fatty-acid chain, having been been churned too hard, too fast, frothy, unripened, and void of symmetrically crystallized salt formations within its bonds, will not be reflective of the chain of an honest churners butter. A perceptive consumer will be able to, just by the aroma, know that the skimmer's butter is in fact, bad butter.


We have proposed a system which offers a solution to the spreading of bad butter, margarine, and the skimming of unsuspecting consumer's butterfat. We started with the usual framework of fatty spread production and turned the system on its head and inside out, this provides not only the safest, most authentic, organic, and healthy butter to consumers, spreaders and other buttery participants, but also a buttery collective public good, open and self healing, with an immutable fatty-acid chain growing in strength and ever changing in flavor. A level of freshness that never grows old, protection of our participant's and casual consumer's health via the inherent wisdom contained within the fatty genes of the buttery collective and contained within the butter that we spread. butter lovers are guided in developing the senses required to achieve a level of protection from skimmers, trans-fat dealers, and margarine merchants previously unattainable to them. We have proposed a churn-to-table, open buttery collective, using proof-of-churn to ensure the integrity, robustness, flavor, and health nurturing properties of our butter. So that your butter can be trusted and enjoyed. Through the butter, the wisdom of the butter is transferred to all who indulge in it with a heart free of margarine.