The throttle interceptor allows you to raise an exception if a predefined quota of an provider request limit is reached in advance.
LHC.configure do |c|
c.interceptors = [LHC::Throttle]
options = {
throttle: {
track: true, # enables tracking of current limit/remaining requests of rate-limiting
break: '80%', # quota in percent after which errors are raised
provider: '', # name of the provider under which throttling tracking is aggregated,
limit: { header: 'Rate-Limit-Limit' }, # either a hard-coded integer, or a hash pointing at the response header containing the limit value
remaining: { header: 'Rate-Limit-Remaining' }, # a hash pointing at the response header containing the current amount of remaining requests
LHC.get('', options)
# { headers: { 'Rate-Limit-Limit' => 100, 'Rate-Limit-Remaining' => 19 } }
LHC.get('', options)
# raises LHC::Throttle::OutOfQuota: Reached predefined quota for
This PR introduces the throttle interceptor.
The throttle interceptor allows you to raise an exception if a predefined quota of an provider request limit is reached in advance.