local-first-web / state

A Redux-based state container for local-first software, offering seamless synchronization using Automerge CRDTs. (Formerly known as 🐟 Cevitxe).
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Straighten out `idb` dependency #58

Closed HerbCaudill closed 4 years ago

HerbCaudill commented 4 years ago

We're currently using my fork of idb.


My fork just adds a file called with-async-ittr-cjs.d.ts that is a copy of the existing with-async-ittr-es.d.ts. We then import that file in the IndexedDb adapter.


IIRC everything works fine with the es version of that file, except Jest is unhappy.

HerbCaudill commented 4 years ago

See https://github.com/jakearchibald/idb/pull/137

HerbCaudill commented 4 years ago

fixed in #67