Currently the feature of inviting a user to the platform to join someones team is implemented as an MVP using a simple mailto: link
This issue is about creating a more durable solution using a mail service; when this issue is done the platform user is able to invite a user via a personal link. He can send this link to users via invite.
[ ] input field where user can fill in friends e-mail address
[ ] input validation on e-mail address
[x] invite e-mail template should be created
[ ] resend e-mail template should be created
[ ] e-mail templates should contain a unsubscribe link
Currently the feature of inviting a user to the platform to join someones team is implemented as an MVP using a simple mailto: link
This issue is about creating a more durable solution using a mail service; when this issue is done the platform user is able to invite a user via a personal link. He can send this link to users via invite.