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point cloud to mesh grid cell averaging #15

Open hcwinsemius opened 2 months ago

hcwinsemius commented 2 months ago
smathermather commented 2 months ago

The question is how to do this in a sufficiently performant way. The first thing I'll try is pdal's colorization filter which allows us to attribute from a gdal supported raster to any attribute in our point cloud: https://pdal.io/en/2.7-maintenance/stages/filters.colorization.html#filters-colorization

In this way, we can use grid ID's to attribute to the point cloud, and then use that attribution as our tie-in to extract statistics from the point cloud based on those IDs.

smathermather commented 2 months ago

Then we can use filter.stats to extract whichever statistic we are interested in using a where clause to isolate the grid cell in question. https://pdal.io/en/2.7-maintenance/stages/filters.stats.html#filters-stats

hcwinsemius commented 2 months ago

The question is how to do this in a sufficiently performant way. The first thing I'll try is pdal's colorization filter which allows us to attribute from a gdal supported raster to any attribute in our point cloud: https://pdal.io/en/2.7-maintenance/stages/filters.colorization.html#filters-colorization

In this way, we can use grid ID's to attribute to the point cloud, and then use that attribution as our tie-in to extract statistics from the point cloud based on those IDs.

https://github.com/localdevices/ORProfile/blob/optimizer/orprofile%2Fapi%2Fdepth_sample.py does a similar resampling approach for the sonar samples. Perhaps components can be reused?

smathermather commented 1 day ago

A bit of progress. I've got stuff I might want to do differently, but keeping it simple and proof of concept first.

As such, I'm just sub-sampling the dry bed point cloud first and writing to a csv, and then feeding that in. Once everything is working, I'll likely integrate this further as with PDAL's python API and/or skip writing of an intermediate file. But in the meantime, we have a json file to tell pdal what to do:


And can invoke that as so: pdal pipeline filter.json

Now we have a csv that we can pull in.

@hcwinsemius -- can you show me how you generate the grid for Bamboi? I need to generate that directly to fully test (rather than a geojson) so that it has all the appropriate properties. Here's my attempt in importing:

import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import orprofile.api.mesh
import numpy as np

def regrid_dry(mesh, gdf, nodata=-9999, column="Depth"):
    regrid a set of depth samples to the provided mesh object

    mesh : orprofile.Mesh


    # get the index numbers of each mesh cell
    da_index = mesh._get_index_da()
    # get index number of each sample
    points = da_index.ugrid.sel_points(
    face_index = np.ones(len(gdf), dtype=np.int64) * nodata  # -9999 is the nodata value
    face_index[points.mesh2d_index] = points.values
    gdf["face_index"] = face_index

    depth_mean = gdf[gdf["face_index"] != nodata][[column, "face_index"]].groupby("face_index").mean()
    depth_grid = np.zeros(da_index.shape) * np.nan
    depth_grid[depth_mean.index] = depth_mean[column]
    ds = mesh._get_empty_ds()
    ds["samples"] = ("mesh2d_nFaces", depth_grid)
    return ds

df = pd.read_csv('filtered.csv')
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
    df, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df.X, df.Y), crs="EPSG:32630"

mesh = gpd.read_file("mesh_example_v2.geojson")

regrid_dry(mesh, gdf)

Which errors on out __getattr__:

python dry_sample.py 
           X          Y       Z                     geometry
0  606773.98  901452.56  120.49  POINT (606773.98 901452.56)
1  606775.50  901451.27  120.07   POINT (606775.5 901451.27)
2  606776.91  901449.80  119.82   POINT (606776.91 901449.8)
3  606785.67  901435.10  120.65   POINT (606785.67 901435.1)
4  606785.28  901433.41  121.65  POINT (606785.28 901433.41)
   mesh2d_nFaces        yi  ...  cols                                           geometry
0              0  0.000000  ...     0  POLYGON ((606783.628 901576.298, 606776.657 90...
1              1  2.050305  ...     0  POLYGON ((606784.203 901574.373, 606777.264 90...
2              2  4.097750  ...     0  POLYGON ((606784.778 901572.449, 606777.872 90...
3              3  6.141944  ...     0  POLYGON ((606785.352 901570.524, 606778.48 901...
4              4  8.182641  ...     0  POLYGON ((606785.927 901568.599, 606779.088 90...

[5 rows x 9 columns]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/smathermather/Documents/OpenDroneMap/TAHMO/Bamboi/average/dry_sample.py", line 46, in <module>
    regrid_samples(mesh, gdf)
  File "/home/smathermather/Documents/OpenDroneMap/TAHMO/Bamboi/average/dry_sample.py", line 20, in regrid_samples
    da_index = mesh._get_index_da()
  File "/home/smathermather/Documents/OpenDroneMap/TAHMO/Bamboi/average/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/generic.py", line 6299, in __getattr__
    return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
AttributeError: 'GeoDataFrame' object has no attribute '_get_index_da'