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How tos : confirm location of how to type documentation. #193

Open finnlewis opened 1 year ago

finnlewis commented 1 year ago

Discussing how-to documentation in the product backlog group with @willguv and @stephen-cox.

The case in point is adding https://www.drupal.org/project/content_lock

Once we add it, it will probabyl not be enabled by default on a stock install.

So we would like to be able to direct people at a clear "how to enable and configure content lock".

I guess this best lives on the https://docs.localgovdrupal.org/ site, but where?

Some of this how-to documentation could be for multiple audiences, but probably mainly developers.

  1. A new top-level section for "How tos" ?
  2. A new section under developers for "How tos" ?
  3. a seperate section for "How-tos" which is not necessarily linked to from the top level primary links?

@msayoung do you have thoughts on this?

willguv commented 1 year ago

Thanks for posting Finn

Think these will mostly be about extending core functionality, so is the section "Extending LGD"?

Also would enable us to point to bigger things councils have built, for example Croydon's Forms work

msayoung commented 1 year ago

I think a section under Developers for How-tos

There is currently a similar section under Content designers : https://docs.localgovdrupal.org/content/how-to/

And another in Microsites https://docs.localgovdrupal.org/microsites/how-to/

stephen-cox commented 1 year ago

From our discussions I'm not sure this is developer documentation. Some of it might be how to manually deploy the latest update (which could be field config changes, for example) and some of it is how to install and configure extra modules (autosave functionality as another example we were discussing).

The audience for this (in my mind) are the people who use the site to publish information and want to know what features they can add to their site. Perhaps this means splitting this, a high-level things you can do with your site for the users / content editors and technical how-tos for developers.