For strings in dart code that use string concatenation (for example: "The house is ${house.color}"), it would be very useful if the plugin recognized this placeholder value when extracting the string to the .arb file.
In this example, it would replace the string with: S.of(context).myStringKey(house.color)
Bonus points if it adds a placeholder in the arb file, to be filled in later (or via the dialog):
"myStringKey": "The house is {houseColor}",
"@myStringKey": {
"placeholders": {
"houseColor": {
"type": "String",
"example": ""
For strings in dart code that use string concatenation (for example: "The house is ${house.color}"), it would be very useful if the plugin recognized this placeholder value when extracting the string to the .arb file.
In this example, it would replace the string with:
Bonus points if it adds a placeholder in the arb file, to be filled in later (or via the dialog):