localtunnel / server

server for localtunnel.me
MIT License
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Running server on local network #168

Open mrgadotti opened 2 years ago

mrgadotti commented 2 years ago

I did try to run instance from server on local network, the client connect without problems, but it give me the follow url:


The url can't be open with the browser.

lt --host --port 3000 --subdomain data

On the server side:

node -r esm ./bin/server --port 1234

Is there some way to run the server on local network?

TheBoroer commented 2 years ago

Hi! You need to use a domain name with localtunnel server, not an IP like you're trying to use.

You can use a real domain name and point your A record for domain.com and *.domain.com to the internal ip of your server

Or you can setup a dns server inside your network that uses a fake domain (e.g. network.local) and set the A records for network.local and *.network.local to your localtunnel server's internal ip.

You should be able to ping that domain name from another host, if it does then you're good to go!