I had to disable the aerial map layer because it was causing the map editor to error out. The URL, http://ecn.dev.virtualearth.net/MapControl/mapcontrol.ashx?v=6.3 has been removed, after several years of deprecation. Microsoft is now using the bing.com domain for their maps.
Approaches to fix this:
Update olwidget and use whatever the new bing aerial map style is.
a. Downside: we have major changes to olwidget, so this could be involved.
Migrate using the migration shim: https://github.com/rbrundritt/BingMapsV63ToV8Shim.
b. Downside: we need to add that authentication bit, as the olwidget code doesn't do any authentication at the moment. Looks hairy.
I had to disable the aerial map layer because it was causing the map editor to error out. The URL,
has been removed, after several years of deprecation. Microsoft is now using the bing.com domain for their maps.Approaches to fix this:
Update olwidget and use whatever the new bing aerial map style is. a. Downside: we have major changes to olwidget, so this could be involved.
Migrate using the migration shim: https://github.com/rbrundritt/BingMapsV63ToV8Shim. b. Downside: we need to add that authentication bit, as the olwidget code doesn't do any authentication at the moment. Looks hairy.
Construct a Bing map layer a'la http://openlayers.org/en/master/examples/bing-maps.html. This is probably the easiest option.