locationtech / geowave

GeoWave provides geospatial and temporal indexing on top of Accumulo, HBase, BigTable, Cassandra, Kudu, Redis, RocksDB, and DynamoDB.
Apache License 2.0
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How to create API exposing Rest endpoints? #1861

Open tsandio opened 2 years ago

tsandio commented 2 years ago

I was hoping to get geowave running in a docker container exposing the rest endpoints. The CLI is sufficient for my use. I do not need the bulk read/write functionality of the gRPC.

I started with a base image of Centos7 and Java8. Then installed geowave-2.0.0-apache-restservices.202109262021.noarch.rpm from the Geowave download page. This errored out stating that I needed tomcat. So I installed geowave-2.0.0-apache-gwtomcat.202109262021.noarch.rpm. This errored out stating that I needed the tools and core. So I installed geowave-2.0.0-apache-tools.202109262021.noarch.rpm and geowave-2.0.0-core.202109262021.noarch.rpm.

I then exposed port 8080 and started tomcat. However, my browser redirected me from 8080 to 8080/geoserver with a 404 error.

I do not need geoserver running. All that I was looking for was the rest endpoints. I did not see anything in the documentation on how to get this running. Do you have some suggestions?
