locationtech / geowave

GeoWave provides geospatial and temporal indexing on top of Accumulo, HBase, BigTable, Cassandra, Kudu, Redis, RocksDB, and DynamoDB.
Apache License 2.0
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can geowave support 3d models ? #993

Closed litterbug23 closed 5 years ago

litterbug23 commented 7 years ago

can geowave support 3d models ?

rfecher commented 7 years ago

yes with a little code - it would require at least a format plugin for this new data type (see extension/formats for examples) and possibly an adapter if it doesn't make sense to convert it to a SimpleFeature ... geometries can be 3D so it can be a SimpleFeature, but there may be good reason to use a more native "adapter" for this format ... what format is the 3D model and how do you want it indexed/searched?

litterbug23 commented 7 years ago

Geoserver + W3DS has WFS capability,3d data format base CityGML. City3DB is a github opensource about that . thanks!

litterbug23 commented 7 years ago


rfecher commented 7 years ago

sorry for the delayed response - I'm interested in giving it a shot but in theory there shouldn't be any necessary changes to geowave to get this to work. Assuming there is a geotools extension that will parse CityGML into SimpleFeatures, geowave has an ingest format for geotools-vector which will use geotools to parse any supported file-based datastore. That will result in CityGML SimpleFeatures stored in GeoWave exactly as the geotools file-based datastore parses it, and then it seems it can use GeoServer + W3DS for WFS support. Anyways, I'd like to give it a shot before saying for sure, but it seems like it might just work out of the box.

rfecher commented 7 years ago

I was trying to test this but I could not find a recent version of the W3DS community extension for GeoServer. The latest I could find was for GeoServer 2.5. I also think I read somewhere that W3DS was superseded by a proposed OGC standard called 3DPS. @litterbug23, is this community extension still supported, or at least do you know if its available for GeoServer 2.10.x?

On the positive side, I downloaded a sample CityGML file and it seems I successfully ingested it into GeoWave although I haven't done anything with the data to prove that it all works.

litterbug23 commented 7 years ago

I was trying to test this but I could not find a recent version of the W3DS community extension for GeoServer. The latest I could find was for GeoServer 2.5. I also think I read somewhere that W3DS was superseded by a proposed OGC standard called 3DPS. @litterbug23, is this community extension still supported, or at least do you know if its available for GeoServer 2.10.x?

On the positive side, I downloaded a sample CityGML file and it seems I successfully ingested it into GeoWave although I haven't done anything with the data to prove that it all works.

litterbug23 commented 7 years ago

thanks for your reply!

rfecher commented 5 years ago

seems like last message is that it works