locationtech / proj4j

Java port of the Proj.4 library for coordinate reprojection
181 stars 71 forks source link

Fix NZ Map projection and add a test for it. #64

Closed scaddenp closed 3 years ago

scaddenp commented 3 years ago

Fixes https://github.com/locationtech/proj4j/issues/62

pomadchin commented 3 years ago

Hi @scaddenp thank you so much for your contribution!

To sign the commit you can run run git commit --amend -s && git push origin -f master.

To rebase and sign all the commits in this PR you can try the following:

git rebase --exec 'git commit --amend --no-edit -n -s' -i b4e02ab
git push --force

^ I didn't test it but in theory it should sign all the commits starting b4e02ab

scaddenp commented 3 years ago

Thanks but how do you execute a git command like that on github? I cant find a place to enter command line like that.

pomadchin commented 3 years ago

@scaddenp ah that is through the local git from your machine shell

scaddenp commented 3 years ago

And as I said, I do not have a local git. Installing anything on local machine is process with IT. It should not be this hard to contribute a bug fix.

pomadchin commented 3 years ago

@scaddenp could you try to add the following text into your commit messages?

Signed-off-by: Name Surname <emailusedtoseigneca@mailservice.domain>

If that won't work, could you give me the ECA email?

And if that won't work I'll probably merge it as-is.

Thanks a lot for contributing and sorry for that overcomplicated process.

scaddenp commented 3 years ago

I tried adding Signed-off-by: Name Scadden p.scadden@gns.cri.nz as comment to commit, but I could not find a way to edit the comment of an existing commit. p.scadden@gns.cri.nz is the ECA email.

pomadchin commented 3 years ago

@scaddenp thanks a lot for your contribution!