locaweb / heartcheck-webservice

A plugin to check a webservice connection with heartcheck
MIT License
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CAS Authentication #3

Open celsocrivelaro opened 9 years ago

celsocrivelaro commented 9 years ago

I need to check a route that is authenticate by CAS (Central Authentication Service) and check response body.

I'm between 2 options: 1) Add an option 'cas_service' in this project with params:

cas_service : { url: 'http://...', user: 'aaa', password: '1234' }

2) Fork this project an create an heartcheck-webservice-cas with params above to keep them separated.

I prefer option 1. What do you think @prodis @brunoadacosta and other?

bacarini commented 9 years ago

@celsocrivelaro, I would go to the first option. From my opinion It does not make sense create another gem.

brunoadacosta commented 9 years ago

I would go to the first option too,

celsocrivelaro commented 9 years ago

Ok, first option will be implemented.

I was looking at CAS clients, specially Cassette ( https://github.com/locaweb/cassette ), but it has some Rails dependencies.

Any ideas about cas clients?