Imported recurring events have the wrong time, where the imported date is set in a different timezone (than the server) having no or other Daylight Saving Times (DST).
This affects dates, which are in the "other" DST than the first event or where the switch happens at different dates.
Server timezone: Asia/Seoul (no DST)
Recurring event from America/New_York (has DTS)
Imported recurring events have the wrong time, where the imported date is set in a different timezone (than the server) having no or other Daylight Saving Times (DST). This affects dates, which are in the "other" DST than the first event or where the switch happens at different dates.
Server timezone:
(no DST) Recurring event fromAmerica/New_York
(has DTS)ICS:
The following table shows the actual time, the time in the Seoul timezone and the partly wrong generated indices.
Example 2
Server timezone:
(no DST) (same ics as above)Wrong event: