lochmueller / calendarize

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Avoid multiple occurrence suffix in URL? #781

Closed bavarianbytes closed 6 months ago

bavarianbytes commented 7 months ago

If a add multiple date items to an event, the frontend is rendering multiple pages for the detail view. A "multiple occurrence suffix" (the date) is added to the URL. E.g.:


As both pages are showing the same event and the same content with different canonical URLs, this is not the best way regarding SEO (duplicate content). And for sharing with the user, there are multiple relevant URLs.

Is it some kind of given concept on how calendarize works? Or is there way to work around this?

lochmueller commented 7 months ago

Hey @bavarianbytes this is the basic concept. But the Problem is part of the use case. E.g. a Christmas market that is 2 weeks every day, you could create a day event and repeat it 14 times (you will get 14 URLs) or you could create a single event (you will get one URL). In the last case you have to handle "opening times" etc. in the event description itself. From the data perspective the first case is the better one, because we can easily select the different dates, create different views or generate ICS files.

As alternative you can handle the canonical by yourself. But this is also not easy, because I think the right URL should always the next event in the feature?! In this case the canonical will switch.... and if you select always the "first" date entry, the canonical is in the past and future events are not indexed by google anymore :-/

Regards, Tim

bavarianbytes commented 6 months ago

Ok, i see. Thx for the explanation!