locka99 / opcua

A client and server implementation of the OPC UA specification written in Rust
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Correct way of using the server's AddressSpace in method callbacks #386

Open DocDriven opened 3 weeks ago

DocDriven commented 3 weeks ago

I have a usecase where I want to update the OPC UA servers variable when a method is called. The callback function of this method retrieves values from a database and uses them for the update. For this reason, I need the server's address space inside the callback to access the server variables. However, I am not getting it to work properly as my clients get a timeout.

This is a minimal working example without the database-related code.

use opcua::server::{
    address_space::method::MethodBuilder, callbacks, prelude::*, session::SessionManager,
use opcua::sync::{Mutex, RwLock};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::Arc;

struct GetTankSystemParamsMethod {
    fill_pct_node: NodeId,
    address_space: Arc<RwLock<AddressSpace>>,

impl callbacks::Method for GetTankSystemParamsMethod {
    fn call(
        &mut self,
        _session_id: &NodeId,
        _session_map: Arc<RwLock<SessionManager>>,
        _request: &CallMethodRequest,
    ) -> Result<CallMethodResult, StatusCode> {
        let fill_pct: f64 = 50.0; // value from database

        // Write retrieved values to the server
        let now = DateTime::now();
        let mut address_space = self.address_space.write();
        address_space.set_variable_value(self.fill_pct_node.clone(), fill_pct, &now, &now);

        // Return the result in the answer
        Ok(CallMethodResult {
            status_code: StatusCode::Good,
            input_argument_results: None,
            input_argument_diagnostic_infos: None,
            output_arguments: Some(vec![fill_pct.into()]),

fn main() {
    let server_config = ServerConfig::load(&PathBuf::from("server.conf")).unwrap();
    let server = Server::new(server_config);
    let address_space = server.address_space();

    let tank_system_type_ident = NodeId::next_numeric(1);
        let mut address_space = address_space.write();

        // Create the custom datatype
            QualifiedName::new(1, "tankSystemType"),
        .insert(&mut address_space);

        let fill_pct_attr_ident = NodeId::next_numeric(1);
            QualifiedName::new(1, "FillPercentage"),
        .insert(&mut address_space);

        // instantiate the custom data type
        let tank_system_1_ident = NodeId::next_numeric(1);
            QualifiedName::new(1, "tankSystem1"),
        .insert(&mut address_space);

        let fill_pct_ident = NodeId::next_numeric(1);
            QualifiedName::new(1, "FillPercentage"),
        .insert(&mut address_space);

         * Add methods to server
        let get_tank_system_params_method_ident = NodeId::next_numeric(1);
            QualifiedName::new(1, "getTankSystemParams"),
            &mut address_space,
                ("FillPercentage", DataTypeId::Double).into(),
        .callback(Box::new(GetTankSystemParamsMethod {
            fill_pct_node: fill_pct_ident.clone(),
            address_space: server.address_space(),
        .insert(&mut address_space);

I do not get an error, but the execution seems to stop inside the callback function with the line

    let mut address_space = self.address_space.write();

I would be grateful for some help regarding this issue, maybe there is a more elegant way of accessing the address_space that I am not aware of.

einarmo commented 1 day ago

This is unfortunately a flaw with the current server implementation. If you see here, the server locks the address space before calling methods, meaning that if you try to lock it again you get a deadlock.

I believe this is not the case on the async-server branch, but that's also a very major rewrite of the server SDK, so your existing code would need to change.